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Fall, The Year Of Our Lord 1628
Stark Castle, Stark Lordship, Isle Of Stone, A province of Emperor Julian I

I've spent several hours in the library with my clan, relaxing and reading. Then Tony comes in, breathless.

"Darling, could you come here for a second?" He calls, pushing a few strands of hair off of his forehead. I walk down the staircase to the first level of the library, reaching for his hand. He holds my hand as he leads me into our bedroom, sitting down on the bed.

"Tonight is very important to me, would you start getting ready? Seamstress Keisha sent up your ceremonial tunic and polar fox sable earlier, you should probably wear that." He pulls them from the closet, handing the clothes to me. I take them, confused.

"What's so special about tonight? Is it the harvest feast?"

"You'll see at the feast, I need to grab some things, I'll be back in a few minutes." Tony kisses my cheek, then goes quickly out. I sigh, walking into the bathing room to change and do my makeup. If tonight is important, so is eyeliner.

Two hours, a set of plant based paints, and three kohl sticks later, I have perfectly done face paint and look lovely in my outfit. I step out of the bathing room and Tony dashes past me with his clothes. In a significantly shorter time, he too is ready for his important feast. He extends his hand to me, escorting me down to the feasting hall.

In the hall, everything is brighter and cleaner than usual. Everyone stands behind their chairs, waiting for Tony to reach his chair. He smiles reassuringly at me as he looks over the gathered crowds.

"My people, take a seat. As some of you may know, this feast is very important to me, as the anniversary of the day I assumed leadership of this lordship and the start of our harvest festivities. However, it is for another reason as well tonight." He turns to me.

"Stephen Strange, from the moment I met you, I was enchanted. You were handsome, smart, kind, all of it. Normally, I'm pretty good with people, but I constantly felt awkward and shy around you. The day I asked you to court me and all the days that have followed have been the happiest of my life. However, I'm asking you to make tonight even happier," he says, lowering himself to one knee and pulling out a small blue dagger covered with silver carvings of leaves and vines with fangs and claws cleverly hidden in them.

"Stephen Strange... will you marry me?" He asks. I can't breathe for a moment before I carefully take the dagger from his hands.

"Yes, Tony, yes, with all of my heart, yes!" I sniffle, beginning to cry. Tony picks me up and sweeps me around in a passionate kiss before lowering me down and looking over his people.

"You all are witnesses to this, and the first course may now be served." He sits down, reaching to grab my hand. I hold it, running my fingers over the soft skin.

"I love you, Tony Stark."

"And I love you, Stephen Strange." Tony smiles, continuing to hold my hand as the first course, roast duck, is served.

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