>< Chapter Two ><

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Hikaru and Kaoru, both are cute. Their Identicatl after all. But their personalities are really what determines if their cute or not. Right? It does for me atleast.

Walking down the street, my phone buzzed so I stopped just outside a mini market to check it. I pulled out my phone with it's black case and the screen lit up. The background was of my best friend. Kami Lucifier. Weird, I know. That's just his name though. Lucifier is a bit of an odd ball and creeper. His contact name in my phone was Luci.

I see you

That's what his text said. I looked up and around. He wasn't around. I turned around to look in the mini market and there he was, hidding in an allie. I grinned and walked inside.

I by passed a few people and joined him in the allie. We shook hands and pulled each other into a bro hug. We separated and passed me something. I looked at it. It was a flashdrive. "Fresh blackmail on the most popular group of your school," he whispered to me looking around. I couldn't help but smile. Luci's blackmail was always the best around. It was fun to know it too.

"Wanna go grab a bite?" Luci smiled. "Your buying," I nodded as we walked out. The flashdrive in my secret pocket. Walking down the street with Luci reminded me of old times. "So got any eyes for anyone?" I asked him. Luci was Gay, he hated the female population. He considered them rude, mean, bossy, and ungrateful bitches. Men were much more understanding and since he was a man too, it was easier to figure out what they'd like or when the needed space or something. Unlike women who don't know personal bouneries.

"Nope, though there are a few cute guys but their such asses. You?" I smirked a bit. "There's a cute pair of twins. I bumped into one and then meet the other. I don't know their personallities though." He sighed. "Twins huh...I think there's blackmail on a pair of ginger twins in those files." He commented referering to the flashdrive. "Really? Interesting..."

We walked into a small McGrandiels and got a burger with some fries. A few girls passed by our table and blushed giggling with their friends. Luci growled a bit making them blush more. Idiot. I shook my head at him and sighed. I waved to the girls and they giggled even more.

"Why do you even interact with them? Their leaches," "your a leach," he sighed as did I. "Atleast I'm a bareable and reliable leach. Unlike them," "that's true. But girls tend to like the badboys who growl at them," I said hinting at the fact girls would like him. He groaned. "Don't remind me,"

I shook my head at him. Finishing my meal, I waited for him to finish. I walked him to his apartment complex near by. At his door, I gave him a kiss on the cheek like I always did. He's a creeper, and I'm flaw is I like to give goodbye kisses. He rolled his eyes but smiled non the less. "See ya next weekend?" I asked. "Yeah, then you can tell me about those rich bastards and those twins." I nodded at him. He walked in and I left.

I contuined on my way home, and walked into my house. My father was in a meeting and my mother passed away while we were in America. A car crash. I was with her at the time. She was driving and we were crossing a bridge. A car hit ours, and we ended up in the oncoming lane. Their car hit ours and pushed us back into the other lane. We were hit once again and fell off the side of the brigde. Mom was knocked out after th first hit. I was awake the whole time and when we crashed into the water, her head crashed through the window. The car window broken, and it was sinking. So I unblukled and swam out of the car, I cut my stomach open in the process. A passing boat came and helped me out.

Later that night, they were able to pull the car from the ocean and mom was dead. Optiosty explained she died in the third hit. I was in the hosptial for a week, my leg was broken and fractured. That was almost two years ago.

I headed straight to my room and placed my bag on the floor. I went to my computer and decided to check out that blackmail.

There were 6 files. Tamaki Suoh, Kyoya Ootori, Honey, Mori, Hikaru and Kaoru. So there was black mail on the twins. I smiled a bit and looked at Hikaru's file. It had basic info then the blackmail. Hikaru...a jealous type. There was an inage of him dressed up as a blue haired little girl. Another photo of him kissing a guy. Interesting.

I backed out of it and clicked on Kaoru. It had basic info and blackmail. It appeared Kaoru was more mature. There was an image of him dressed up as a pink haired little girl. Another photo had a dairy explaining how he shipped Hikaru, with with Tamaki. Interesting.

I glanced at the time. It was late. I closed it and laid on my bed. Yawning, I dirfted off into a deep sleep.

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