>< Chapter Three ><

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I glanced at the time. It was late. I closed it and laid on my bed. Yawning, I dirfted off into a deep sleep.

The bell rang again, but this time, Hikaru and Kaoru came up to me. "Kai-san," Kaoru started. "Want to come to host club?" Hikaru finished for him. Host club? That probably has the rest of the popular group..."sure," I smiled at the pair. I put my bag on my shoulder and wrapped my arms around the pair's shoulders. They smiled and lead me to Music Room 3.

They opened the door. "Hey boss! We brought him!" The pair called at the same time. Their voices blending together. A tall blonde bounced over to me. He started to inspect me. Mumbling to himself about good looks, mysteriously cool, and what not. "I've decided!!! You shall be our newest host!!!" He said dramatically.

I smiled at him. "Sure, why not? I'm Hanaro Kai, call me Kai." I offered him my hand. Everyone around us seemed shocked. I guess I'm the first to join willingly. That probably meant this blonde baka dragged the rest into this club. He must be very stubborn then.

He had stars in his eyes as he shook my hand. "Tamaki Suoh at your service!!!" Tamaki? Wait...Kaoru ships this guy with Hikaru? His brother? No way! This is gold! "Pleasure's all mine, Tamaki-kun," he blushed a bit.

"I'm Honey! And this is Takashi! But you can call him Mori!" The tiny blonde called from ontop of the silent giant's shoulders. I smiled at them. "It's nice to meet you Honey-kun, Mori-kun." Honey blushed and I saw Mori's eyes widen a bit with a small hint of a blush? That was cute. He must be shy, seeing as he turned away with a grunt. I couldn't help but to giggle a bit. Dorks.

"I'm Kyoya Ootori," glasses said. "If you have any concerns come to me alright?" I nodded. "'Course Kyoya-kun. Your the brains of this group arennt you?" I spotted a tiny blush but it disappeared just as fast. "Yes, you could say that."

I clapped my hands. "So, what do you guys do here? Flirt? Talk? Kiss? Strip? What?" They looked horrified at the last suggestion. "NO!!!!" Tamaki exclaimed. "It's nothing like that Kai, we simply enteriant the girls with the types we've assigned. For example, Hikaru and Kaoru. The little devil types. They are our brotherly love package." Hikaru and Kaoru suddenly got real close, close enough to kiss and they had blushes. I guess they can comand when they blush. Cool.

"So basically Incest. Interesting, but I am curious. Are one of you two or both you atleast Bi? Maybe even Gay?" They backed away. "Why would you think that?" I could practically here worry in their voices. I grinned. "No reason~"

I turned toward Kyoya and Tamaki. "So what should my type be?" "You should have one by the end of the day. That reminds us, we're hosting a ball in two weeks. Do you know how to dance?" I nodded. "Am I allow to bring anyone?"
"It's an event to for the girls, bring a girl I doubt would please the guest," Kyoya said. I smirked. "Who said it was a girl?"

"I suppose that'll be fine then, do they know how to dance as well?" I nodded. Luci, I'm dragging you to this of you like it or not. "Alright, places everyone. We're opening in a minute." Kyoya stated. We all stood by each other infront of the doors.

The doors opened and the guest came in. "Welcome~"


Sitting at a table, there were three girls infront of me. Tweedle de, Tweedle do, and Tweedle dumb.
Tweedle de blushed as she asked for my name. I held her hand as I told her. "My name is Hanaro Kai, but please, anyone was lovely as you should call me Kai at the very least." She and the others blushed, hard.

"Your as charming as Tamaki~!" Tweedle dumb commented as she squealed. I gave her a closed eye smiled. "Are you sure? I don't doubt my skills are on pars with his. After all, he is the king of ckub isn't he?" They hand their hands on their cheeks. "He's so smart too!! Just like Kyoya!!"

I gave them all cake and made sure they had tea. We drank in silence and I watched over the girls. If any cake or tea was left on their lips I used my napkin to wipe it away. They blush. "He's so dreamy too~ like Mori~" they whispered.

Tweedle de blushed as she offered me cake. "P-please have some with us." I smiled and took it. I was kinda surprised it was my favorite kind. Red velievt with creamcheese frosting. I took a bite and I felt like I was in heaven.

"He's soo cute!!! It's like another Honey!!!" They squealed. It was my favorite cake. Only this cake will taste this good.

"Uno, Kai-kun! I-I was wondering, what do you like to do?" I gave them a grin. My prankster girn. "Well, I do love to mess with people. Espeically my best friend." "He looks like the twins when they play their game!" "He's a little devil too!!"

I smiled at them. "But I'm not. I'm just a demon from Heaven." They were all blushing hella hard. "D-demon?" "From" "H-Heaven?" They all fainted. Luckly they were still in their chairs. I sighed and glanced at the others. Their acts are similar to what I was doing earlier. Uh interesting. I smirked. I wonder how they'll act to all this...

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