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David managed to get out of his dorm and to the dining hall without running into any traps. He was drinking coffee (not wanting to risk it with the sugar, he just had it black) to keep himself awake.

"Dude, Wes totally took a liking to you," Jeff said, appearing at his side and making his own cup of coffee. "I've never seen him bond with someone so soon or easily."

David smiled at the thought. "You should probably make sure that's sugar," he pointed out.

"Smart." Jeff took a sip, pausing and nodding. "Tastes like Sebastian's sense of humor."

"What?" David asked.

Jeff looked him in the eye. "Fucking salty," he said, dumping it out.

He laughed as Jeff poured himself a new cup and shook the 'salt' shaker over it, tasting it again. "Yep, that's sugar. I'm not even risking it with the milk, I'd rather not get food poisoning."

"Good idea."

They went to sit down at their usual table. "You seen Seb-ow!"

David burst out laughing as Jeff's chair immediately collapsed underneath him. "The prank war has begun."

Jeff rubbed his back, groaning. "That was just cruel."

He sat on the chair next to him, carefully testing it first. "Anyway, have you seen Sebastian yet? I want to know if he's feeling alrig-"

"I'm fine, Blondie, don't stress yourself," Sebastian interrupted, joining them at the table.

"Are you okay? And what-"

"I'm fine. I had a headache, please don't make it come back."

Jeff went red. "Shut up."

"So," Sebastian looked over at David, "what were you and Wes doing past curfew last night?"

Jeff's eyes went wide, looking at David. "You what?"

'Sebastian is not the most social and usually won't talk at all unless he likes you,' Jeff's voice said in David's head.

Don't screw up, he reminded himself. He likes you, don't mess that up.

"The question is, how did you see us if you weren't out past curfew as well?"

He smirked. "Touché. I was just talking a walk, stretching my legs."

"Sebastian! You know you aren't supposed to leave Dalton when it's dark," Jeff reprimanded.

"Can't stop what they don't know."

"You could get killed, or worse!" Jeff exclaimed.

"Expelled?" David suggested.

Sebastian laughed. "Man, Blaine's going to love you. He's obsessed with Harry Potter."

"How'd you recognize that? And how do you know the name?" Jeff asked, looking surprised.

"I pay attention to a lot more than you think," he chuckled. "And I've read the series, of course I know the name of it."

"But Blaine's always mad at you for not saying it right!"

Sebastian burst out laughing. "Oh, I love seeing him get so worked up about it, it cracks me up. He's so passionate about it."

"Who's passionate about what?" Hunter asked, sitting down with them.

"Oh, just Blaine and his love of Harry Potter," Jeff responded.

"Hm. I never liked those books, I thought Hermione was a total know-it-all."

"Hermione's my favorite character," Sebastian said quietly.

Hunter looked over at him. "What was that?"

"Oh, nothing."

Seeming unbothered, he shrugged and turned back to the others. "You guys run into any pranks yet?"

"Well, I poured salt instead of sugar into my coffee and then my chair collapsed underneath me," Jeff said. "But so far it's just me."

Before they could say anything else, there was a bloodcurdling scream from the direction of the dorms.

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