Lala (Monster Musune)🍋

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Monster Musume

Warning! Lemon

I watched Room 1408, with John Cusack and Samuel L. Jackson and brainstormed this.

"Beyond the veil of reality, in a warped, malevolent, plane of twisted abominations and unspeakable, maddening beings, we see only the insanity of a deep, dark void, ever consuming, ever-"

You struggled to finish the last of the sentence as people came in and out of the hotel lobby you sat in.

You had come to this particular hotel, The Centaur Hotel in Berlin, in order to study a presumably haunted room within, room 3012.

Several recent reports claimed that many guests who stayed in the room experienced supernatural phenomena, so much so that they were sent running out of the room in terror.

Your interest in the room lied in your profession as a horror novelist, with your newest book's progress halted by a bad case of writer's block, your hopes being that an encounter with the supernatural will allow you with the push you need to finish the book.

Though the hotel's manager was hesitant to give you the room, as he had made a habit of leaving it unoccupied, you managed to convince him with a considerable amount of money.

After an oddly quiet elevator ride to your floor, and an eerily silent walk through the hotel's hallways, you eventually found the room, and within you saw...



You: This is it?

A well kept, actually cozy hotel room, well removed from the legends of hauntings.

You: I wonder if it's too late to get my money back on this room, I don't think it's haunted.

You threw your luggage onto the couch, and investigated the room, which had a fairly large bathroom, comfortable bed in the bedroom, and even a fully working kitchen.

You sat on the bed, unimpressed with the room.

You: much for getting through that writer's block.

Suddenly, your attention was shocked when the bedside clock erupted in a loud static, causing you to jump off the bed in fright.

You: Ah! W-What!?

The clock continued in static, and as you observed it, heard a faint voice.

Clock: Get...out...

You dismissed the clock as broken, and quickly unplugged it, going into the restroom to splash water on your face to relive your initial shock.

Upon turning away from the sink, you saw a figure's shadow standing inside the shower.

You: W-What!? Who's there!?

The figure did not respond, only lifting it's hands up to it's head...

And taking it clean off.

You, in a screaming panic, quickly pulled the cabinet door off the hinges of the medicine cabinet, and flung the shower curtain aside.

But no one was there.

Unable to make sense of what was going on, you dropped the disjointed cabinet door, and hazily walked to the kitchen, then the refrigerator, to find a drink to settle your nerves.

You: It's all an has to be...

You opened the refrigerator...

And saw a disembodied head, with locks of pure white and skin a cold blue, looking at you.

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