thirty five;

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Alex's POV

"We're fucking doing this again, really?" Ethan groaned as he rubbed his temples, clearly irritated by Mikaela and I.

"Man, just accept the fact that you have small dick energy. It's not that deep." Mikaela rolled her eyes with a playful smirk.

She quickly sent me a wink since I giggled as Ethan glared at her while flipping her off.

"I do not need this shit on a Monday morning, especially from you, Mikaela. Fucking traitor." He grumbled the last part, making her chuckle.

"Look, I'm sorry I didn't give you a piece of my brownie. A bitch was hungry."

I sighed as I walked over to my locker, being greeted by Billie's figure, that was currently leaning on it as she typed intently on her phone.

"Hey babe!" I grinned at Billie as I stood next to her.

"Hey baby. You look sexy as fuck." She smirked, not looking up from her phone.

"Bitch, you didn't even look at me yet." I rolled my eyes as I shoved her to the side and opened my locker.

"Mmm yeah. But I was still right." She added cheekily as she snaked her arm around my waist.

I playfully rolled my eyes as I turned to her and connected our lips. She tightened her grip around my waist and stepped closer to me until her phone made a sound signaling that she got a text message.

She instantly pulled away and went back on her phone making me slightly pout.

"Hi guys!" Ruby chirped as she walked over to us.

"Hey rubs." I smiled.

She sent everyone a friendly smile as she walked over to me and put her arm around my shoulder, "Okay so, my parents bought me a huge brand new plasma screen tv and an Xbox as an early birthday gift. y'all should definitely come over tonight, we could play just dance, or call of duty, or something."

"On god we're playing Just Dance. I don't give a fuck." Diego popped up from the corner, taking us all by surprise.

"Bro, we gotta do that song 'The Time of My Life' together." Ethan gasped, making Diego's eyes widen in excitement as they fist-bumped each other.

Everyone else nodded in agreement, except for Billie who's head was still buried into her phone.

"You always on that damn phone." I pouted at Billie.

"What? Nah, I'm listening. Ruby. Birthday gift. Ethan's gay. Just dance." Billie nodded finally glancing up from her phone.

"That is not correct." E shook his head in disapproval.

"My bad." Billie sent him a lazy smile as she grabbed my hand.

"Come on, baby. We gotta do our daily make out sesh." Billie smirked as she dragged me across the hall, to the closest bathroom.

I attempted to wave at my friends, but failed miserably since she quickly yanked me away from them.


"Billie, come on. We were supposed to be there 20 minutes ago." I huffed as I stood up after tying up the laces of my sneakers.

"Don't worry, you're always late. They're used to it." She muttered as she typed into her phone for the millionth time today.

She let out a little snicker after reading a text making my lips tug into a frown.

This whole day, I've tried to give her her distance since I didn't want to be one of those psycho girlfriends that felt the need to know every single detail about their significant other, but if I dont figure out who she's been texting by the end of the night I might claw my hair out.

She's been texting someone every single day for the past week. She texts them at class, at lunch, and she even stopped making out with me just to reply to the person.

I tried bringing it up on Wednesday but she just brushed it off, completely ignoring my annoyed presence.

Ruby picked up on what was going down yesterday, though. She promised me that she would come up with a master-plan in order to figure out who Bil's been texting. Don't get me wrong, I told her not to, since I really did trust Billie. But then, Ruby told me she was curious herself and since she was psycho and kinda proud about it, she was still going to figure it out, but she wasn't going to tell me what she found since I told her not to, even though I can't help but regret my decision a little right now.

"You guys ready to go?" Mariana squealed from behind me.

"Wait, you're coming? Why?" I furrowed my brows, looking up at her quizzically.

"What do you mean why?" Mariana rolled her eyes as she crossed her arms.

"You hate Ruby. And she hates you just as much. Did you forget bout the time y'all jumped each other at that party? Hol up, Jeremy from science class sent me the video." Billie snickered as she walked over to us and began playing a very poorly recorded video of Mariana clawing at Ruby as she yanked at her hair.

"That shit's fucking gold." Billie let out a loud laugh, making me join her as Mariana flipped us off.

"Fuck both of you. Besides, we're cool now." Mariana smiled as she puffed out her hair with her hands, gazing at her own reflection through my vanity mirror.

Billie's laughter roared through the room as she replayed the video. "Bro, Look at your face! Oh my god" She burst into a fit of laughter.

"Hey! Quit it!" Mariana groaned, storming out of the room.

I sighed as I grabbed Billie's hand and dragged her hysterical ass to her car, hopping on the passenger seat as Mariana sat at the back.


Twenty minutes went by and we were finally here. We walked out of her car and made our way to the front door, "You literally almost killed us, you psycho." Mariana hissed as she attempted to fix her hair, that was completely frizzed up because of the wind that came through the rolled down car windows. Billie just sent her a lazy smile.

Mariana was definitely not happy about it.

I rolled my eyes as I grabbed Billie's hand and walked towards Ruby's front door and rang the doorbell.

here's a boring ass filler before the storm :P

also i felt rlly bad for not updating and i couldn't sleep sooo enjoy bbies xxx

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