Chapter Seventeen

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Tyler stood up and held my hand.

"I hate that bastard. He got to touch you and he's not your mate." He leaned his forehead on mine.

"You're mine." I whispered.

"Yes." he kissed my nose.

"Let's head back before my dad wants to kill us more then he already does." I gave him a tiny smile. He brought me closer and we walked back to the house. Everyone was gone, only my parents and the Beta's family. Including Daruis.

"Hello." My father smiled.

"Hello." Tyler said.

"Can we sit down and talk about this thing that happened earlier this evening." It was a command, not a question. We all sat down at the table.

"I thought I made it clear this morning you weren't allowed to see Tyler?" My dad looked at me.

"I thought I made it clear this morning that, that wasn't happening?" I smiled sweetly.

"Why did you choke Darius, Tyler?" Tyler was to busy glaring at Darius.

"Tyler!" He yelled. Tyler looked over at him and frowned.

"Because I have my reason."

"Then share them."

"You see those bruises on his face, that should've faded by now? I made them Saturday night." He gave him a wicked smiled.

"You did this to my nephew?" The beta yelled. Tyler looked at him and he kept quiet.

"Saturday night, that was the night..." My dad thought out loud. He stood up incredibly fast. He looked at me.

"Is this true?" He asked. I looked down and nodded my head.

"Is what true Alpha?" The beta asked. I never really bothered to find out his name. My fathers eyes became black, and everything became quiet. I knew what was coming, they knew what was coming.

"MOM!" I yelled at the top of my lungs. Only one person can calm down my dad when he's like this. They didn't seem to hear me because they were all shouting. She came in to see my dad going after Darius..

"Honey, calm down." she put her hand on his shoulder. I could visually see him relax.

"Let's talk like normal people." She said. They all looked at her and sat down.

"Now, what is the situation?"

"This bitch touched my mate." Tyler spat.

"Language. What do you mean touch? Was it a friendly hug or what?"

"Shut up! For goodness sake. You want to hear it? Saturday night I was drunk because I was pissed at everything. I wondered away from Tyler and it was talking to three people. Two disappeared and the one took me to this room. I can imagine you will know who he is and what he tried. Boom simple. Goodnight." I walked up the stairs. I was tired of everything that's been happening. A hand grabbed my shoulder and I immediately pushed them to the wall. Tyler stared down at me.

"I'll be okay." he whispered.

"No it won't. They'll treat me different." I walked away from him. I opened my door and he walked in with me.

"They won't." He stood in front of me.

"Goodnight Tyler." I walked around him. He grabbed my waist and twisted me so I was looking at him.

"Talk to me." His finger trailed down my chin.

"There's nothing to talk about." I pulled away from him and walked to my dresser. I grabbed some shorts and Tshirt. I was about to walk to the bathroom when Tyler stood in front if the door.

"You can't get dressed if you don't talk to me." he crossed his arms. I glared at him and walked to my bed. I placed the clothes down and unbuttoned the blouse. I slide it off my arms, Tyler's eyes were glued to me. I slipped on the shirt and drew my pants down. I slipped the shorts on and threw the dirty clothes into the hamper.

"I got changed. I guess I don't need to brush my teeth. Won't hurt for the night." I smiled. Tyler finally snapped out of his mist.

"Why won't you talk to me?" he asked.

"Because, there is nothing to talk about." I crawled into bed and sighed. Tyler sat at the edge and looked down.

"Goodnight Olivia." He kissed my forehead and was about to leave.

"Are you not staying for the night?" I asked.

"No Liv, you seem not to need me as much as I need you."

"Get your ass back here and lay down." I ordered him. He sat down and kicked off his shoes before laying down.

"That's better, I mean I know you don't like sleeping in your clothes, but I guess." I wrapped my arm around him.

"I need you more then you think." I whispered. He looked at me, but kept quiet. I snuggled closer to him and he finally wrapped his arms around me.

Sorry it's late.

Been a little busy.

Listening to the song up top rn

I hoped you like it.


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