Chapter Two

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"You didn't even tell me?" My mother yelled.
"Well, I did just find out today, if that helps?" The people at the party just stared at us.
"No! For goodness sake!" My mother frowned.
"Calm down sweetie." My dad came to the rescue.
"You, in my office. Tonight." My mother stomped away. Brandon and Tyler looked at me.
"Yes?" I snapped. I groaned and rubbed my face.
"Sorry." I muttered.
"So, you're the future Luna of my pack?" Brandon smiled.
"Let's not get to ahead of ourselves. I still have to see if she'll accept me Dad." Tyler chuckled away, but he looked sad.
"I uhm. I have to go and talk to some people. Excuse me." I stumbled away.
"So that's your mate." James smirked.
"Shut up James." I pushed past him. He disappeared and I shrugged.
"Liv, I'm sorry." Luca frowned.
"It's fine." I smiled a little. He smiled back and ran off.
I talked to the other guests. After about three more hours, the people started to leave. The alphas and their kids were the last ones here.
"Thank you for coming." I smiled at the one Alpha. They smiled and left. It was my family, Alpha Brandon and Tyler.
"I guess we have things to talk about." My dad smiled a little.
"It's getting pretty late." I said.
"They can stay over, it can't do no harm right?" my mom smiled.
"Yeah, and talk about it tomorrow." My dad agreed with my mom. Brandon looked over at Ty, and nodded his head.
"Yeah, sure."
"Olivia, show then the guest rooms." My father said. I nodded my head.
"Just give me a second." I took the heels off and started walking. I walked up the stairs and they followed me.
"Would you like a tour?" I asked.
"Right here, is my fathers office." I pointed to the double doors. We kept walking.
"Right here is one of the bathrooms." I told them. Tyler winked at me.
"Right next to the bathroom is my parents room." I stumbled, even though I took my heels off.
"Sorry, I been wearing the heels to long." I said.
"Here is the bathroom you could use. My room is right there." I pointed to each one.
"And no, I do not welcome visitors in there. Right next to mine is Luca's." I looked at Tyler.
"Then here are the two guest rooms." I smiled.
"Thank you." Brandon smiled.
"No problem. But as you can see, I should be getting a shower." I giggled.
"Goodnight." Tyler smiled.
"Goodnight. If you need anything, ask my parents." I walked to my room. I grabbed some pajamas and walked back out to the bathroom. I took another quick shower and got most of the makeup off. I got dressed into some cotton shorts and a big T-shirt. I yawned and walked to my room. I turned off the lights and fell on my bed. I snuggled in to the covers and yawned. I couldn't fall asleep right away, my thoughts kept me up.
Today I learned that my mate was a Alpha. My mate is staying over. I turned sixteen. In one week, I will shift.
With that, I fell asleep.
"Livvy. It's time to wake up." Luca shook me.
"I'm up." I opened my eyes and sat up. I yawned and stood up.
"Thank you Luca." I smiled and ruffled his hair. He giggled and ran out the room. I walked downstairs, not caring if I was in my pajamas. I walked to the kitchen.
"Good morning." I smiled at my mom.
"Good morning sweetie." She smiled back.
"Why did I have to wake up so early?" Tyler frowned and sat down on a bar stool.
"It's eight, it's not that early." I snorted.
"Very ladylike."
"No one said I was a lady." I retorted.
"Here's some pancakes." My mom handed us plates with two pancakes.
"Thank you Mrs. George."
"No problem." She smiled and cleaned up. We ate in silence.
"Love the pajamas." He winked at me. I looked at my pajamas.
"Thanks." I went back to eating my food. My mom left the room.
"You aren't like normal girls, are you?"
"Do you mean like a whore? No." I put my plate in the sink.
"No, not only that. When said about your pajamas, most would blush."
"Blushing is for the weak." He put his dish in the sink.
"Does that mean, when your mom blushes, she's weak?" He followed me up the stairs.
"No, it means she has feelings for that person. Or at least is friends or something." I stopped at my door.
"Do you not have feelings for me?" He frowned.
"Look, I might enjoy your smell and look, but until next week, when my wolf comes out. I have no physical attraction." He frowned.
"This is not me regretting you, please don't think that. I just want to get to know you before I telling you my feelings." I explained. All his emotions blanked and he walked away. I sighed.
"Tyler." I said, running up to stop his.
"What?" he crossed his arms.
"I'm sorry." I said. He looked away. I pecked his cheek and walked away. I closed my door and opened my dresser. I grabbed new undergarments, jeans and a long sleeved shirt. When I finished, I walked to the bathroom to brush my hair and teeth.
"Olivia! In fathers office!" My mom yelled. I sighed and walked down the couple doors to his office. I knocked on the door.
"Come in." My father said. I twisted the knob and pushed the door open. My mom, dad, Alpha Brandon, and Tyler were sitting down. The only open seat was next to Tyler.
"So, we have a sticky situation." My father chuckled a little.
"We came to this conclusion, me and Alpha Brandon, that you guys can see each other whenever. Olivia will stay here until she turns seventeen. By then you would be eighteen and be the soon to be alpha. Is that alright with you two?"
"So, we can cross the border to see each other?" Tyler asked.
"Yes." His dad said.
"So since this is all figured out, who wants lunch?" My mom smiled.
"We can do that before we leave." Brandon smiled. Me and Ty were the last ones to leave the room. He grabbed my hand and intertwined our fingers. I was about to say something, but he beat me to it.
"Please, I understand you don't feel the physical attraction, but it calms my wolf when I touch you." He whispered. I nodded my head and walked downstairs. My mom had sandwiches set out. Luca joined us and sat by my mother. Tyler sat next to me and his hand left mine. It didn't leave for long and it went to my lap.I took a bite of my sandwich. His hand traveled higher up my thigh. He started to rub circles patterns in my jeans. I bite my lip and slapped his hand. He didn't move his hand away, only moved it up higher. An unknown feeling flamed in my stomach. I bite my sandwich so no noises could escape. He rubbed harder, and he smirked at my reaction.
"Liv, what grade are you in?" Brandon asked.
"I'm a senior." I said as calmly as I can.
"And sixteen?"
"I skipped some grades." I tried keeping things short. Tyler's thumb hit my top thigh, extremely close to my area. I took a sip of my water while I tried holding in a moan. I slapped his hand again. His fingers pushed harder in my skin.
"Thank you for lunch, Mrs. George." Tyler smiled.
"No problem." She smiled. She took our plates and they were talking about some type of business thing I didn't understand. I kept my head down and tried to peel his fingers off of me. The only good thing is that he don't move any higher.
"I think we should get going. Thank you for having us." Brandon smiled. Tyler stood up, but not before his hand touched my area. I gasped and covered my mouth. Tyler smirked while they looked at me.
"You okay?" my dad asked. I nodded my head. I followed them out to the front door. Tyler surprised me with a hug. He shoved something in my back pocket. He nuzzled his face in my neck and sniffed. He pulled away a couple seconds later.
"Goodbye princess." he smiled and walked away. My dad closed the door and sighed.
"Glad that's over." He joked.
"I have some homework." I muttered and ran upstairs. I closed my door and locked it. I pulled out the piece of paper and saw he put his number on it, with a note.
'Call me(;'
I grabbed my phone and put his phone number in it. I decided not to call him right away, but to start on my homework.
Around three, I finished everything and sighed in boredom. I grabbed my phone and decided I should call him. The phone rang for a couple seconds.
"Who's this?" His voice rang out.
"Who's this?" I mimicked.
"Ah, Livvy."
"Nah, changed my name to Steve."
"Alright princess. I didn't think you would call this soon. Because it seems you play hard to get."
"I guess boredom really got to me."
"I guess it did." We were silent for a couple minutes.
"There's this party tonight, it shouldn't be big. Do you want to come with me?"
"Where is it at?"
"A guy name Eric."
"Eric Fustin?"
"You know he's human right?"
"Yup. Nothing like a party."
"Sure, what time?"
"Well I can take you to dinner at seven and go to the party at nine."
"I'll text you when I'm on my way."
"I'll hold that to you."
"See ya later Princess." I hung up the phone and smiled.

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