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No one's POV
     It's New Year day.Liam is still at the Thailand.Tomorrow will be his flight.He didn't tell to anybody because he don't want to.
     "Son,tell me you still love Jennie?",his father suddenly ask.Liam look away.
      "We saw her way back then.So tell us.",his mom said.
      "Mom,Dad I don't know.Tzuyu or Jennie I don't know.",he said.
    Then they hug their son.
     "We don't want to interrupt to your love life.It's your life after all.",his mom said to him and they separated.
      "Just choose who is in your heart.If both then look who is deeper in your heart.",his dad said.
      "Thanks mom,dad.",he said.
      "Your welcome.Now sleep because tomorrow is your flight.",his mom said.Liam just smile and hug them then he went to sleep.
      'Why is it..err never mind.'-Liam's mind.

Back to school!!
     "Hey guys what did you all do in our vacation?!?",J-hope ask his all friends.
      "It's good and I have so many gifts!",Nayeon said happily.
      "Yeah me and my family was on beach.",Jin said.
     All of them say what they do because well they all miss each other.
    'Lucky them but me it's not completely happy.'-Tzuyu's and Jennie's mind.
     "When is Liam gonna come here?",Momo ask suddenly.
     "Well we don't know.He never texted us nor called us.",Jungkook said.
     "Well that was add to us because he's not like that.",Bambam said.
      "Really?",they all ask except who know why.
      "Well don't worry he will come back.",Irene said.They all nodded and go to their own classroom.
      "Hey Tzuyu tell me..you miss him,right?",Sana ask when they sit.
       "Yes.",she just simply said.
       "What did he say before he leaves?",she ask to her.
      I stay silent.
       "Ok it's ok if you'll not tell me.",Sana said.Tzuyu was relief.
      "Ok class good morning and welcome!!How was your vacation?!?",their teacher said in a happy way in shouting.
       They shouted..
       "It was ok!","Very happy!","It was fun!","Good!"...
     And so on.
      "Ok good to hear that,at least you all got that energy!!I'm happy that to hear that in exchange..have a free time!!",they all shouted in happiness.
      "Shh..but only here in our classroom.Do what ever you want.",their teacher said.
      "Thank you ma'am!!",they shouted.
      Then someone knock at the door and they look at that direction.Tzuyu look at him..she was like to cry..
       "Ah good morning ma'am.I'm sorry I'm late.",as he entered.
       "It's ok.This is your free time.",their teacher said.
       Tzuyu just looking at him..missing him.Liam glance at Tzuyu secretly.He sit with his classmate named Bobby.
      "Hey Liam Good morning.",Bobby said when Liam sit at his side.
      "Good morning.How's your vacation?",he said.
      "Well it was happy and relaxing~",he said.
     "Hmmm..something happened right?",he tease Bobby.
     "N-nothing..err..yeah their is.",as he blush and look away.
      "Who is it?",he ask.
      "It's just star-cross lover.",he said and saddened.
      "Don't worry you will meet that lucky girl.If it's your destined with each other then wait for it.",he said.
      "Wow great speech buy your right.I hope I can at least meet that girl.",Bobby said.
      "By the way how about you..I heard that you go home to your homeland?",he ask.
      "Me it was awesome because I met my old friends there.",Liam ask.
      "And who are they to be exact?",Bobby ask.
      "Well they are B.I,Jin Hwan,Jun Hoe,Dong Hyok,and Hyun Hyeong.",he said.
       "Ok then let's change the topic..why are you not talking to Tzuyu?",suddenly Liam got silent.
       "Something's wrong?",he ask.
       "Nothing it's just that I don't want to talk to them.",he said not looking at Bobby.
      "Ok then.Hey Sana!",Bobby shout at Sana.Sana came at Bobby.
      "What?",she ask.
      "Can you call Tzuyu..Liam wants to talk to her.",Liam looks at Bobby.Bobby just smile.
      "Ok.",Sana said.As she go away.
      "What was that for?!",Liam whispered angrily at Bobby.
      "Chill dude..I know that you don't want to talk to her even though I don't know why..just talk to her..",he stand up as Sana pushing Tzuyu to Liam.Buy Tzuyu ended sitting at Liam's side.
      They look away and didn't talk.Bobby and Sana are just looking at them waiting.
      "They do really ignore each other.Why are they like that?",Bobby ask to Sana.
       "I don't know oppa.Tzuyu don't want to talk about it or tell us.",Sana said.
       Tzuyu is just secretly looking at Liam same as him.
      While Sana and Bobby looking at them they were laughing.
       "Pfft..looking each other will not start anything.",Sana said holding their laugh because of the cuteness of LiTzu.
       "You know and I know what I said to you.I know that you know about me.",Liam said not looking at Tzuyu.
        "But that's the past.I want to know who is her and why are you like that.",Tzuyu whispered but Liam heard it.
      "How was your vacation?",Liam said changing the topic.
       "Don't change the topic.",Tzuyu said then she look at Liam.They look at each other.
      "I'm not.",he said and look away.
      "Why are you like that?"Tzuyu said.Liam stand.
      "Follow me if you want.",he said and tell to their teacher that he will go out to eat with Tzuyu.
      "Wow something will be happening.",Bobby said.
      "Yeah.",Sana said and they just scroll at their phones.
      Liam just walking to the bench on their school while Tzuyu just following him.They are at the place of the bench that no one can hear them nor see the right now.
     Liam sit and same as Tzuyu but they sit away.
     "Just tell me why are like this.",Tzuyu said breaking the silence.
     "You really want to know?It's because I'm too confuse.",he said.
      Tzuyu stand up and face Liam that is sitting.Liam look up at Tzuyu.
       "I know that your confuse!But why are you confuse with!!and why are you ignoring me!",she shouted with her heart.Liam smile and stand up to face to face Tzuyu.Now their body are 6 inches away.Tzuyu was holding her tears not fall in front of Liam.
       "Why?I don't know what is it because like I said it's confuse..my heart is confuse..because my heart is divided into two.",Liam said and he cup her cheeks because Tzuyu cried,she didn't stop her tears it just fall down.Liam step in 1 inch then Tzuyu widen her eyes as Liam kiss her at lips.It was like in slow motion.Their lips didn't move then Liam separated it.
      "You felt that?That is why I'm confuse.",he left Tzuyu standing their still shock.She touch her lips.Who will be not shock at your first kiss and you love that person who just kissed you at your lips.
      'What?Was..that?OMG!!Tzuyu he just kiss you at lips!!'-her mind.
      "You made me confuse to you know.",Tzuyu whispered to herself.
     "Oh my god!!I miss you bestfriend!!",Bambam hug tightly Liam as well as Jungkook.
      "Guys can't breath.",they give him space.
      "Hehe we just miss you.",Jungkook said.Liam saddened.
     "Hey what's wrong.",Sunmi ask.
      "Nothing.",he said.
      "Well ok..so what happened to your vacation?",Jungkook ask.
      "Well I met our old friend.",he said.
      "Oh how are they I miss them dancing with us.",Bambam said.
      "Well same as them they all miss you too.",he said and he became happy as they talk to each other.Only four of them.
     "Hey what did you two talk about?",Sana ask.
     "They talk each other,when?",Rose ask.
     "Yeah thanks to Bobby oppa.",Sana said.
      "It was nothing.",Tzuyu said not thinking what happened to them.
     "Ah Jennie can I talk to you..privately?",Jihyo ask Jennie.
     "Ok.Where?",she ask.
     "What will you two talk about?",Chaeyoung ask.
      "It's a secret.I'll just text you when and where.",Jihyo said while the others are confuse as well as Jennie.

A/N:Feel special at 21:29~~
     Trick it~~
     A Rainbow Love foolish~~~
     La la la la Get loud~~
    Oh hi everyone!! Hehe what I just sing is the titles of TWICE album this month!!Nyahaha..
   My comment for TWICE is..perfect!!It was like angel..no..it was..GOD-LIKE!    (//♡ 0♡)//TWICE!!

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