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Jihyo's POV
     "What do you want to talk about?",Jennie ask me.I motion her to sit in front of me.She look at me.I sigh.
      "I want to be straight to you Jennie.Is it true that you and Liam has a relationship in the past?",I look at her and she widened her eyes and look down.
     "How?I saw you two and heard when we are at Dahyun's house.I heard it all.Will you mind me tell the story?",I said.She look at me.
      "Ok..well as you know he was my ex.I don't want to break up with him way back then.If it's not because of dad..I'm still with him.",she said and wipe her tears.
      "Thank you for telling the truth but here is what I want to say..I will not interrupt..Liam maybe confuse who to love.Tzuyu loves Liam,Liam love Tzuyu.Liam loves you,you love Liam.Liam can't love the both of you.It may be hurt but it's true that he can only love one.Jennie your the oldest than me but it become on love your weak.Why?Because your not thinking and don't know what to do.",I said.We  went into silent.
      "I'll gonna go now.If something went wrong I will interrupt.",I said and left.
Jennie's POV
   Jihyo is right.Only one of us is he can only love.Tzuyu sorry but I love him.
Liam's POV
     I'm here at my house.How can I tell to them.Will I tell them?But if I will..they will be sad.
     "Err!!",I shouted.I cried.Why all of people why me?!!
    Someone knock.I wipe my tears.
    "What is it?!?",I ask.
    "Hey it's me Sunmi.",oh it's just Sunmi.
     "Come in it's open!",I said and she went in.
     "Why didn't you tell us?",she ask and close the door.I look at her.
     "What?",I ask.
     "Your mom and dad told me.Why didn't you tell to us?!?",she said and hug me.I was..why did they told her!
      "Sorry..I just don't you'll don't want to worry.I will gonna die not telling to them.",I said and we separated.We wipe our tears.
      "But at least tell them that you have a cancer!",she said.
      "Like I told you I can't survive a stage 3 cancer.",I said.She look shock.
     "Stage 3?!When is this cancer started?",she ask and her knees met the floor.
     "It started last year in January.",I said.
      "Is their any solution?",she ask.I shake my head as a no.She hug me tight and cry.I pat her back.
      "Sunmi will you say this to them..."
     "Mom,dad no need for a doctor.",I said to the phone.They stay silent for a second.
     "But*sniff*Your our only son!We cant just do anything!",Mom said to while crying.
     "Mom don't waste money I can't survive this.It will be a waste.Mom,Dad I just want you two to be happy and please don't tell to my friends.Maybe Jesus want me to go there.",I said in calm voice stopping to cry.
      "Your are our son..if that is what you want..wish something at least that wish will make you happy.",I smiled and sad at the same time.
February 9,2019
     So Valentine's is coming?
     "Hey you ok here?",Sunmi ask me and she has a basket of fruits.Yeah I'm here at hospital.So weak.
      "Well the truth I'm not ok.Well what are the others doing?",I ask.She sit beside me take note she's wearing a mask.
      "Liam..I want to tell it sooner or later to them.Tzuyu and Jennie miss you,no all of us.I can't lie anymore to them and do excuse anymore.",she said as she cry again.
      "Don't cry silly.I'm still alive and don't tell them.",I said and saddened.
     "How can I not cry if your here laying at hospital bed like your dead?!?",she said and cry again.
     "But I will be alive when I'm at there.",as I point up.
      "Can I at least tell to your cousin and bestfriend?",she ask wiping her tears.I think a minutes.
      "Just don't make them like a gay.",I said and laugh a little bit.Then some one open the door.I was shock it was the two idiot crying.They went to my way quickly.They both wear a mask too.
     "Sorry Liam I can't lie to them any longer.",Sunmi said.
     "Idiot why didn't you tell us?!",Bambam ask while crying.They get off of me and wiping their tears.
       "How about Tzuyu?!She's thinking about you 24/7 why you're not at the school!",Jungkook said.I just smile.
      "Jungkook I know that...please take care of her.Bambam take care of little tiger.Sunmi take care of you Jiyoon.Take care a-all o-of you..",my voice was weakening.
      "Bam call the doctor!!",Sunmi shouted.
      "No n-need.Please be happy.Sunmi tell to them all what I said.",they cried and I cry.I'm out of oxygen.
      "Please don't talk the doctor will come here.",Sunmi said while crying.
      "Doc please save him.",Jungkook said when the doctor is here and the nurses.That is the last thing I heard and my vision went black.
Third Person's POV
    Sunmi is crying right now and Bambam hug her to stay calm.But they can't just be calm.
     "Bam?Jung?Sunmi?Where is my son?!",Mom of Liam ask when they came at hospital.
      "Auntie,Uncle the doctor is there but we don't the condition.",Jungkook said.Mom and Dad of Liam sit and cried.
       "Please don't get him from us.",his dad said.They all are crying.Bam,Jung and Sunmi texted everyone.
     A minutes ago all are here crying.But Tzuyu and Jennie are crying so hard and so painful for them.Jungkook hug Tzuyu,Kai hug Jennie.
     The doctor came out.All of them look at the Doctor.
     "Doc how is he?",his mom ask first.The doctor look at the concerned people around them.
      "Sir,ma'am,everyone.Sorry but your son is has a weak body to fight.He just die.",everyone froze and cried.
       "Can we look at him?please?",Bambam said.The doctor nodded.
     His mother,father,Got7,BTS,EXO,Momoland,Blackpink and TWICE went in.The room is big and wide so they all are fit in.They are crying seeing Liam lifeless.His mom cried at her husband.Jennie holds his hand.Some are confuse why is Jennie like that.
      "Liam please don't do a prank.I love you Liam.Please wake up.Liam I want to tell you that please wake up.",she said and crying so hard.
      Tzuyu look at her and smiled.
     'Maybe they are really meant to be.But Liam died.'-her mind.
      A minutes of crying Liam's hand flinch and Jennie felt that so she look again at Liam's hand.It flinch again.
     "Call the doctor!Liam is still alive!",everyone look and Kai bring the doctor here.They check the heartbeat.
      "This is miracle.He's alive!",the doctor said.Everybody cried.
     "Where am I?",Liam's soul.
     Why is it so bright here?
     Liam is walking and he saw himself and everybody crying.Liam's soul cried.
     "I'm dead?",he ask himself.
     He saw Jennie holding his hand to his body and cry again.
     "Jesus please I want live again.I regret saying that I can face this but I can't.",he said to the up.

A/N:Break first.So guys sorry if this going to an end soon because I can't focus a two story one this story and two the 'FEEL SPECIAL' my new story.Then the exam is coming next next next week I think?Then we have project that is coming.If their is.Well guys read my 'FEEL SPECIAL💝' story.So what do you think about this story?Don't forget to VOTE 🌟!!!!!!

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