Close To Some, Distant To Others

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^ To those who may not know, this is Mario Maurer, from Love Of Siam (If you haven't already, go watch it :) This look of his is the closest to how I envision Nick including the little frowny look which is just spot on for when Nick is concentrating. 

Lane made her way over to Suthee's office and knocked on his door. She heard him call for her to come in and entered after taking a deep breath. She had met Suthee at a concert and was shocked to see him honestly. She had never told him but they had met previously. It was during the Moon and Stars dinner when they were both in university. He had been the date of a very high profile gentleman and in the company of some popular boys.

The sad part was all of them had been with each other and for a while people had honestly thought he was that man's boy toy but she had been in the right position to overhear that he has a classmate and friend of the boy's son. Now she had Suthee and she assumed she would also now be connected to those people.

That was so not the case.

It made her want to spit bullets.

"Hey. What happened? You suddenly disappeared on me."

"I was helping Kit out with a case of the family cold. His husband and kids got ill while he was on call." Suthee knew very well that Kit had told the nurses in his department. Lane had also known because she had posted this on the secret chat.

"Wow! Are they all ok?" She looked genuinely shocked and concerned and if Suthee didn't have evidence that she already knew, he would have totally believed she was clueless.

"Everyone's fine now. Ming's back to work and the kids are ok."

"Ok. You were so short on the phone that I didn't really get what was happening."

"You know I don't like to talk much when I'm working. Anyway, I'm free now for a bit. What did you want to talk about?"

"My mom would like to meet you."

That froze Suthee and he squinted up at her. Were they already at this stage? When? He had never indicated he was that serious.

"I don't want to meet her. Why do I have to?" His voice was appallingly cold and his words dropped in the room with the same impact of an avalanche on bone.

Lane froze and her face went slack. Her throat made a weird sound as the impact hit her. Her eyes literally lost all life as she stared at Suthee in shock while he realized something immediately. Or at least he thought he did.

"Wait. Are you actually in love with me? For real?" Another blow. But rather than pain, this one brought the rage of a woman's ego.

"If I was before, I'm not anymore! I can't believe you! Fuck you Suthee. You can kiss my ass!" She stormed out and he stared at the door that just slammed closed. 

He knew she was using him but he hadn't expected her to take it this far. Was she actually willing to go this far just to be connected to his friends? Or were the feelings actually real?

The door  opened again a moment later with Sing and Pha walking in.

"We saw Lane storming out and assumed she came from here." Pha queried with a raised brow at the flummoxed look on Suthee's face.

"Yes she did. She wanted me to met her mom. Like what? I never indicated, even a little bit, that I was at that stage! I thought we were still casually going out and occasionally having sex." Suthee stood and ran his hands through his hair. He paced for three steps them back. Again then back.

"You dumb fuck." Pha said sarcastically, causing him to pause and roll his eyes.

"I really am. I should have known better." Suthee said back just as sarcastically.

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