A Last Ditch Effort

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"I can't thank you enough for agreeing to do this Rosie." Kit said as they pulled up in front of the house. She waved a hand, having already received a million thank yous from both Kit and Ming. This was important to them. She couldn't be upset.

Ming and Kit had tried everything. They had brought people, they had tried getting Four out of the house, the family had even tried taking turns to be with him and help him. He wasn't having it. 

The door opened and an odor of shut house and sweaty stale air billowed out. Rose lifted a brow and sighed.

"I'm going to need an industrial strength hose, some air fresheners and a washing machine because damn, that's a stench."

"It's not so bad. It was worse the last time when the plumbing got messed up." Kit admitted. Ming, who had been silent the entire time finally spoke.

"He refuses to shower so I hose him down sometimes. I literally drag him to the shower and I hose him down. The whole nine yards."

"Well do that first then and Kit and I will open this place up." Kit sighed and Ming went in search of his favorite brother in law. Kit and Rosie started opening up the windows downstairs when they heard it. A shout, some thumps, scuffling, then the sound of the pipes. They were screaming in the walls as the water went on full blast. 

"Let's start in the kitchen after we get these going."

Kit nodded and simply followed instructions. Rose could see that this had taken a tole on him. Unlike the rest of the family, Kit still hadn't given up but he was close. She could tell this was his last ditch effort. 

The kitchen was empty as fuck. The layers of dust were the usual. You could tell no one came here at all. The wiping and cleaning took over an hour. Any sounds they heard, they ignored. At one point, they could hear Ming cursing and Four grunting then the door slammed. 

"How does Ming get him to stay in the car?"

"Chloroform. Just kidding. He uses threats. Sometimes, he hits a pressure point."

"That's not part of Thai boxing."

"No. Ming also did Kyusho Jitsu in the states when we stayed there for my schooling. He could never figure out what made him choose that martial art but it's come in handy."

"Wow. That must have been a spiritual calling he listened to. How long will they stay out for?"

"Depends. Ming will call the family and take him around. They may just drive until I call. Or they may come back in a couple of hours depending on how terrible he acts."

"Then lets get going." The three of them had come prepared to spend the night. They weren't expecting to finish all the cleaning in one day. Since Kit and Ming paid the bills, Four didn't have to worry about electricity and water. He even had wifi thought he never used it. 

An hour after Ming left, Kit heard a car pull up. He went to the door and was surprised to see Six, Seven, two of his sisters in law, his ex sister in law and a couple of his nieces pull up.

"Ming called and said you would need help," Jass told him before bustling her way past with a large bag. She whipped out some cleaning supplies and got to work.

"Four wouldn't be back tonight. Mom and Dad said they would keep him." Six informed Kit at the door.

"But_!" Kit started, worried that it would be too much for them.

"Don't worry. Mom plans to slip him a sleeping pill in his favorite food so he can rest and not give any trouble. They also hired someone to watch him tonight," Seven joked. "Actually, Mom turned on the waterworks when she saw him and he just sighed and got compliant. He's still a sucker for her tears."

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