Oscar X Reader

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This is part 2 of the Latrelle story since people wanted a part 2.

Your Pov:
"Oscar?" I ask kind of shyly
"Y/n? What are you doing on this side your lucky its me and not someone else who saw you over here" he said seriously.

He started walking towards me and reached his hand out towards my arm and I flinched and whimpered like a dog and backed away a little. He took notice to this.. And asked me whats wrong and when I didn't answer he came closer and I started shaking..

"Princess come here I'm not gonna hurt you" he says softly
"Thats what he always said right before he hurt me.. He would hurt me so many times a day I couldn't take it anymore so I ran." I manage to say while I began to sob.

Oscar began to walk towards me and opened his arms to hug me. I already feel as though I can trust him so I let him hug me as I cry.

-5 minutes later-

"Thank you for being here for me Oscar it really means a lot" I say finally. "It was no problem at all baby girl" he says. He makes my heart skip a beat when he says that... Oh no I cant be falling for him already..what if he hurts me just like Latrelle did..

Author note: sorry this is so short. Its late at night and I'm tired as hell while writing this.. Sorry if none of this makes sense 😂. If you want a part three I'll make one. It would be set a few months after this.

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