8.8K 299 10


07 - 30

Natasha Sandoval

Hi, mom.
I know you're probably mad or disappointed at me especially when I didn't contact any of you sa Pilipinas but I know Papa has been updating you and I want to say I'm just okay here in NZ.
Mom, I like it here, the place and the people... they're nicer. Saka mas mabuti na ring nandito ako, I'm just a disappointment for dad, pasakit lang naman ako sa ulo niya at iwas gulo na rin. I'm sorry if I'm not a good son. I'm sorry for being a disappointment. I'm sorry for being a bastard. Don't worry, I won't bother dad or being a disappointment to him and you don't have to defend me anymore. I'm sorry if I wasn't good enough.

Sent. 9:03pm.


You know, mom, I've been away again for a week. I had another hiking trip and met some new people. I've realized a lot of things. I think Engineering is not for me. What if I'll go to med school or just be an archeologist?
I'm going to be okay, I promise.
I love you, mom.

Delivered. 10:47pm.

Heartbreak Hotline (Finished)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon