Book 1: Chapter 13: The Fire Nation Is Here

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(Y/n) was exhausted. She wasn't sure if it was in the physical, emotional, or mental sense, but she just didn't want to get out of her bed. Even when Aang and Katara left at dawn for water-bending practice, she hadn't budged. Sokka had left a couple of minutes back for a date with Princess Yue even though he promised that it wasn't a date, but just 'hanging out.'

Can call your bullshit a mile away, Sokka.

And she felt extra terrible because as Sokka left, Amaruq had stopped by to see her. When Sokka popped his head back in, she rapidly shook her head and he understood, so he made up the excuse that she was still sleeping.

Sokka couldn't help his own triumphant smirk when Amaruq deflated and walked away. Sure, he felt a little bad, but (Y/n) didn't deserve Amaruq. She deserved someone better, someone who wouldn't judge her for her background, someone like...


Sokka scoffed to himself as he walked out of the house. He was in love with Princess Yue. Not (Y/n). She was just a good friend, maybe less—in her eyes, after he kept turning her away.

It still haunted him—that day he called her a traitor. It was the dumbest thing he could've done, and she didn't even fight back. He felt a little sick.

(Y/n) slept till noon. She would've slept longer if it hadn't been for the vicious tug in her stomach that sent her shooting up, an ache throbbing through her skull. She heaved a breath. It almost felt like someone had stabbed her, but there was no one in the room and there was definitely no knife.

That left only one thing. The Fire Nation was here.

She bolted out of the house and was immediately met with cold snow. But it was wrong. The snow was ashy and dark, like soot. (Y/n) started running to the highest place she knew—the tower Amaruq had taken her, and then she started climbing the steps, skipping some as she gasped in the cold air, pushing herself faster until she was at the top. (Y/n) looked out the window.

And she wished she didn't.

It was easier fighting Zuko and his men on her own. It was simple, a short battle.

But this time, it would be a war.

Dotting the horizon was a whole armada of Fire Nation ships, their coal engines sending blasts of soot into the air that made it a dark, hazy grey cloud above them.
They were barely hours away from reaching, and (Y/n) had to plan quickly. She had to let Yue die no matter what. Nothing could change. Aang should be kidnapped by Zuko.

The tugging grew worse. God, it was going to be something big.


Everyone was gathered at the great hall of the citadel—the GAng, Water Tribe Warriors, leaders, some citizens. Behind Chief Arnook was Princess Yue, looking more solemn than usual as he spoke. (Y/n) turned to Sokka, who looked depressed. She sniffed at him. "What happened to your date?"

His voice was different, melancholy. "It wasn't a date."

"It looked like a date when you came swooping in with Appa as your wing-man."

His eyes cut through her angrily. "It wasn't. A. Date."

(Y/n) almost scooted back. "I'm sorry. What happened between you and her?"

Sokka could never stay angry at (Y/n), no matter what. He could never look her in her (e/c) eyes and scream. Something in her just ebbed away his anger. So when his expression became softer and he leaned his shoulder against hers, he knew she'd always be there. Because she let him lean on her. She always did. "She's betrothed to someone. She hates it and she-she said she was in love with me."

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