Ch 8 heal

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Sorry for dying blame school. Updates will be slow.

Keith (four days later)
It hurt to move around. My whole body aches in pain and burns. It hurts. I want to move. Liu sat quietly by my side playing with a toy. I want to go home, I want Lance.
The door opened, Lotor walls in with a cup of water. I slowly sit up. He assists me with holding the cup as I drink the cold liquid. What's wrong with me?
I take deep breaths and relax into the pillow. Liu crawls over to me and lays at my side. I gently rub his ears and back as he drifts to sleep. Lotor sat on the edge of the bed and rubs my thigh. "We'll have kits of our own soon." He says. I stay quiet.
"I'll be gone for a little while. Stay here." He says and kissed my hip and shoulder. He gets up and leaves the room. The door shuts. I groan forcing myself to sit up. Liu sits up and looks at me. I place a finger to my lips. "Shhhh."

Liu copies me "Shh." He hushes. I nod. I swing my feet over the edge of the bed and force my weaken body to stand. I head to the bathroom first and puke. My body was shaking from my movement.
"Momma." Liu says sliding off the bed. Cough and get up. I rinsed out my mouth and go pick up Liu, holding him against my hip. I had no choice but to force my body to move.
Liu coos and nuzzles my neck. "We gotta find the others." I say my voice barely there. I slowly walk to the door and start pulling the key pad off with a trick I saw Pidge do. I rewire the thing and the door opens. I move quickly into the hall. They were empty.
Liu points to a direction and I follow his finger. I keep walking slowly till we reach a door. I open the door to the main bridge control center. I adjusted Liu and go to the control center.
I just have to find that damn button.
"Em ah mamamm. Ah!" Liu babbles Out Pointing to the buttons.
"Yea pretty. Let's not touch." I say. He giggles and points to a big red button. "It's red." I say.
"Ed." Liu says.
"Red." I say again.
"Egg." Liu says. I chuckle "how about. Dada." I say and head over to a seat.
"A ba!" Liu tried.
"Da da" I say sitting in a chair my feet over on arm rest and my back against the other. It reeks of Lotor but I decide not to move.

"Ba ba." Liu says and sticks out his tongue.
I chuckle and curl up in the chair.
"Dada." I say again in hopes he will say it.
He blinks at me "mama." He says and snuggles into my chest. I stroke his head gently. My body still felt weak, but it was better than when I first got sick.
I watch Liu fall asleep on me.
"Cute." I hear a familiar voice say. I lean my head back to see Lotor towering over Liu and I.
"You left your room. Naughty naughty." He says stepping in front of the chair.
"I-I.... felt nauseous..... scent helps." I say thinking on my feet so he won't hurt us. Lotor blinks at me before he sighs he scoops me into his arms and carries me away. He took me back to the bedroom and lays me down. He kissed my head and leaves me and Liu on the bed. I curl up and sleep.

I shut the door and lock it. I head to the control room. I press the distress signal button. It doesn't tell us if it's on or not. So let's hope it's off. I grin sitting in my chair. It did smell of the omega.
"At least he's getting better." Narti says finding her chair. The rest of my generals find their chairs and prepare for take off. He take for the stars and get back on route.

Sorry short chapter

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 25, 2019 ⏰

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