Chapter 1

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Dedicated to Skyhuntress for inspiring me to try NanoWriMo. Go check out Mythic and her entry from last year Indigo.

The ringing cell phones woke the team in the dead of night.

"Fuck!" Katie and Grim yelled as the others moaned.

All six struggled to climb out of bed and get dressed. The three pairs were racing to answer their own separate calls. Since they had already been awake Grim and his partner were the first ones out. They were taking the elevator down from their apartment.

"I hate the boss so much right now. I have a AP Physics test tomorrow and he interrupted us."

"Don't worry, the night isn't over yet." Katie said kissing his neck.

"Sorry Babe, time to work."

"Let's do this, I haven't killed anything in a while."

The innocent looking girl with pink and brown hair dissolved into a silver mist. The mist reformed into a pair long pistols on his thighs and a decorative scythe. His right eye was coated in green flame. He wore a black hooded coat that went to his shins with jeans.

"Deploying Death Field." He said as the elevator hit the bottom floor. All three teams and their prey were dragged into a dark alternate version of the city. The people in the lobby were now just spectors to him.

"God this itch is driving me nuts, he's close." Katie said in his head.

The scythe was practically crawling in his hand as he walked out of the building. The autumn winds blew at the bangs over his right eye and his black hair. He saw the blur as the creature attacked. Grim back flipped away landed ready to attack. From the crater where he use to be standing a monstrous snake uncoiled.

"Analysis?" Grim asked as he dodged a lunge.

"It's a Class 1, lots of speed and tough armor. I recommend the chains for this one."

"Got it."

Back peddling he placed the scythe on his back and drew the pistols. The barrels fired a continuous barrage of black energy. Blades folded up at the end of the pistols and they become chain scythes. He sank them into the buildings around him and used it to anchor himself to the walls. The snake attacked again and he jumped away. He hooked one scythe into its mouth and hung in the air. He let out the chain and as he dropped he used the other scythe to gut it.

"Damn, I am a bad ass."

"Cocky much." Katie snickered. The both stopped when the snake dissolved and they felt a massive spike in energy. A monster was soon towering over them and the city.


Elizabeth and Ryan jumped out of their apartment to a lower building. Elizabeth was still dressed becuase the Death Field had formed her disguise around her, but Ryan was still was in her bra and sweatpants.

"Let's do this." Ryan dissolved into mist and Elizabeth stood on the edge of the building holding a six foot sniper rifle.

She scanned the skies through the aviators she wore. She had her leather jacket, black silk scarf, dark jeans, her high heel boots, and a barret. A few strands of curled red hair hung by her glasses, the rest of which was pulled into a blond ponytail.

A monstrous raven soared in between buildings searching for a vulnerable human spirit.

"The boss woke us up for this, too easy."

She raised her rifle and a shard of blue energy blew off the raven's head. It started to disintegrate and the particles flowed into a shadow growing larger by the second.


Selena groaned as she climbed the last flight of stairs.

"Why do the elevators always stop working when they create the Death Field?"

"Maybe you shouldn't wear cowboy boots." Her partner James responded in her head. Just like the other Hunters her costume formed around her when the Death Field was deployed. Along with her boots she had thigh length jean shorts and a white blouse. Two revolvers sat on her hips and a whip was coiled on her belt. Sitting on her head was a cowboy hat.

She reach the top floor and saw the creature at the top of the steps. The hell hound was sniffing each room looking for prey.

"Hey feo, over her." She drew the revolvers and fired blasts of red energy. It ignored her and continued to crawl towards one door even as one of her shots took out its legs. She snapped her whip and dragged it towards her. She reversed her grip on her revolver and swung the axe blade handle into its head. It dissolved and flowed out the window.

"Oh, shit."


All three of them met up on top of the apartment complex.

"It must have used the other three to weaken the gate."

Grim said as the colossal humanoid took shape.

"It's powerful too, the Death Field is starting to wear thin." Elizabeth said.

"So let's kill it." Selena hurled herself off the building and landed on its back. The creature was a hunched reptile. She fired into its back as Grim and Elizabeth jumped down. Elizabeth started shifting her rifle and when she landed she fired the eight gauge shotgun into its back. It roared and shook them off.

"We're just tickling it." Elizabeth said.

"There is only one way to bring down something this powerful. Katie you ready?" Grim asked in his head.


"Death's Gate open!"

The world faded into grey around him. The features of his body blurred out and a black shadow was left in his outline. Katie faded out too and they're eyes glowed with green flame. The thin lines around Grim wrists glowed and a phantom noose appeared around Katie's neck. Behind them a massive black gate opened and they were hurled into the glowing depths.

Back in the real world Grim felt power flood his body. He shot off like a cannon sprinting up the side of a building. He jumped and slashed the monster. He zigzaged between the buildings continually slashing the creature. He hit and launched straight. He tossed his scythe and drew the chain ones. They met his scythe and they combined into a blade straight out of anime.

"In the name of Lord Death I banish you from the world of the living." They said, their voices speaking as one. He landed on another building and blasted forewards. He jumped and dragged the scythe across the length of the creature. Yelling they split the creature in half and slammed into the street bellow. Katie regained human form and both passed out.

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