For One Year- Nash grier fanfiction

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Suddenly I'm scared. I'm scared of the year to come. Scared of the new things. Scared of the new ways. Scared of who I might become. Scared of who I will face. Scared I will forget about my loved ones. I'm officially scared to leave.

But I'm also excited . I'm excited to learn. Excited to dream. Excited for my career. Excited for meeting new people. Excited for myself. I have decided I'm not completely scared, or completely excited. Instead I'm caught in the middle of the two. In the middle sounds good. All I know is whatever challenges or treasures I find after I leave tomorrow morning, I'm ready.

"London, they have arrived!" I hear my mothers call through the paper thin walls of my house. I stand up straight and look at myself in the mirror. My long brown wavy hair is in a slick bun, I have a white long sleve button down shirt on, a black pencil skirt, panty hoes, and black heels. I have no makeup on, (my huge grey eyes have long eyelashes mascara isn't needed, my skin is fair with many freckles I don't care if they show.) I tuck my cross necklace into my shirt. This isn't me. I think to myself before straighting my skirt and leaving my room.

I now join my mother and father along with their friends. I look like my mother but act completely opposite, instead I'm adventuress like my father, he works with the state government, we live in London. This is why I'm named London my parents are very proud of our country.

She glares at me, almost as if shes afraid I will mess up. Shes always been that way. My mother pushes me, she wants to be know as the mother of a great student. Shes a buisness woman. She works with the school district, the woman who's in charge.

My mother in fact is the mother of a great student. My older brother Tomas walks in. Everyone turns away from me to greet him. He has set my mothers and fathers standards very high. Tomas is very intelligent, as my mother would say... Hes my bestfriend, I love him to death. I'm glad hes came home to see me on my last day here. I run to him and give him a hug. "My silly London" he smiles at me, "Mother, Father, how proud you must be for both of your children to succeed."

By "succeed" my brother means pass. By "pass" I mean be chosen to go to America. My brothen was chosen also. I was pressured into running. Six months ago I along with 10 out of 34 members of my grade took the test to go to America. To be an exchange student. The testing took forever. I had to take test once every week. If I hadn't gotten a passing grade on every test I wouldn't be leaving tomorrow. I'm going to stay with another family that lives in Pennsylvania. I haven't had any contact with the family but I'm sure they will be great people. Better than here... I hope.

We sit down at the table, (my mother invited some guest over since I will be leaving early tomorrow.) "Shall we say grace?" my mother asks. We hold each others hands and pray. "Lord thank you for this food you have given to us-" I don't bother listening I pray by myself.
Lord help me get away. Help me discover America. I need to escape. Thank you for giving me the chance to be free for a year. I just wish I could hurry and leave! Watch over my brother while I'm gone. Watch over my friends at school. My boyfriend will also travel to America, watch over him while we adventure in this new world. In Jesus name we pray amen.

"Forgive London for everything and just let her have a good time in America. In Jesus name we pray, amen." once she finishes praying we dig in. My father has prepared fish for us tonight. I don't feel like eating. I pick at my food waiting to be excused.

"So London how do you feel about leaving?" My mothers friend Mary asks. "I want to escape." Everyone looks up at me. "London! Can you wait until after we eat to do this?" my mother sternly stares at me. "I'm so sorry for her, Mary!" my mother apologies for me. "No, shes good. I'm sure shes just under stress." Mary replies. "Yes exactly! Under the stress of my mother!" I quickly agree. "STOP!" she yells banging the table with her hand. "I will take care of this..." my brother gets up and directs me to follow. "Tell Mary and Jhonathan thank you for coming!" Mother tells me. "Thank you for coming." I say and walk away.

I follow my brother into the study hall. He shakes his head and sits on the couch. "I'm going to go to my room." I say, "No. Sit" I do as I'm told. "America is different from here. You will like it. There is more freedom. More people. Things you, London search for. But there is also a reason your able to go and that's Mother and Father. They don't have to let you go. Be nice to them okay?" he begs. "Okay. But only because I need to get away." I get up and go to my room.

Just in time. I get a text.
My love- Outside now.
Me- coming

With that I climb out of my window. Most people see me as the good smart girl, but in reality I'm the wild fun one. You just have to really know me to see this side. My real side. I want to fly away like a bird and be free. Instead I hold in this side of me and let my fake side pop out and shine. Daytime is my fake time while night I'm the bird. Its simple this way.

I sprent across my lawn and into the Andrews car. He kisses my cheeck. "So where are we going?" I question him and the others loaded in the car. "Park." is my response. We Soon arrive at Beveryle Park. We climb out of the car. He sets out a blanket for me and him. Everyone else gets their own. I'm handed a beer. I reject it. Andrew is about to drink when I remind him. "Its not going to have enough time to wear off. They could do a drug test... its not going to be good if they find you intoxicated." He sets down the red solo cup. "Smart",he says. "smarter than you!" I shout pushing his shoulder. "by one place Mrs. 1st in our class!" he laughs. "Mr. 2nd place is jelly isn't he?" we giggle. Slowly our laughing dies and we talk as adults.

"Are you scared?" he asks. "No" I lie. "Are you?" I ask. "No..." we both know each other are lying. We both know we will have to end our 4 year relashionship. He stares into my eyes.

"We cant be together can we?" he finally mumbles. "Its a year away... Plus I'm sure there will be millions of pretty girls in America. Id rather not hold you back. Id hate to see you sad becuase you'd be worried abour cheating on me" I whisper. "Not as pretty as you... but when we come back I want you to know that I'm in to you no matter what." I smile. Its good to know that even when your going to be away for a year someone will be thinking about you and waiting for the day to see you again.

The night is spent looking at the stars and talking about America. He takes me back home. I get in the shower and then I fall into my bed. This is the last time I will sleep in this room until a whole year. These words replay in my mind until I finally get lost with dreams about America.



Hey guys I just wanted yall to know I'm the author of "Staying Here" Its also a Nash Grier fanfiction (like this book) but I didn't like it... There honestly was no point I wasn't even interested anymore so I deleted it. Sorry.... but I wasn't getting any votes and I got barely any comments. I was bored of it... The topic was just dumb. I will make this book more real. Stuff that happens in a teenagers life not just random crazy events all the time! So I hope yall aren't mad at me for delteing the book but I think this one will be fun because its based on my bestfriends life. (Shes a foreign exchange student.)

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