Chapter 2

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   "Get up we have 2 hours in time to go" my mother turns on the light. I sluggishly sit up. I stretch out my arms and legs. I fall back to my bed and roll off. I stand up and go to my bathroom. I put my hair in a bun and wash my face. It instantly wakes me up. I brush my teeth then go down the hallway and into the kitchen. My mother, father, brother, grandad, and grandma are making breakfast. One by one I'm hugged. "London, your granddad has fixed you your favorite breakfast. Breaksfast tacos stuffed with meat and cheese only. We also cut you some honeydew melon and strawberries." my mother explains to me. "I'm not really hungry but thank-", "EAT." she strictly clenches her jaw and widens her eyes. "Yes mother" I sit down at the table. My brother hands me the plate. I play with my food. I'm not usually like this... my mothers right this is my favorite breakfast. I'm just too nervous to eat, its weird to say that usually I'm brave and ready for anything and everything. I don't know whats wrong with me.


    I take a bite or two of each thing then throw away the remains. I go into my room and put on music. I now start getting ready. Were supposed to dress in our Sunday best. My mom made me leave this outfit unpacked so I could wear it today, (I hate the style she forces me to have as soon as I get to America I'm going on a shopping spree.) I slide the loose black dress on, the top is tight, the bottom flows out, its long sleeve, the dress goes down to my knees. I now put on grey flats. I curl my hair and place a grey headband in it. I now apply makeup. I put on mascara and powder thats all, I typicaly don't ever wear makeup but its a special day so I did. I place big grey earrings in they are really pretty and they bring out my big grey eyes. I wait for the man who will escort me to gather all of my bags and take them in the limousine. Once he is finished he gestures me into the opened door. Once I'm safely in he gently closes the door.

   After a while we arrive at the airport. All of the students will be meeting at a light post outside. I walk up to the post and see some students from other schools I reconize off of social media. I don't really know them but I still talk to them. In total there is 50 students that will go to America from London. Two from my school, Andrew and I. Soon I spot him. "Hello Andrew. How are you?" he smiles a crooked smile. "Well how about you my love?" he asks placing his thumb on my cheeck. I smile but it fades quickly.

   I look down causing his hand to vanish from my face. "Sorry.." he says looking at his hand as if it were turning green. "I forgot..." he tells me. "Its okay its just going to be different" I think twice about this. I'm happy things will change. I'm extremely joyed to go to America. Leaving Andrew is going to be hard. I love him. America is another story when I remember hes not going to be by my side. I know it will be hard for him too.

   "Listen for your name we will put you in your final test. No stressing we only cover basics. Its just so we can give your school information about you, this way they will know classes that you might be interested in. They will still let you choose but its just helpful to assume. We also ask you to wait quietly so no talking!" I watch the woman grab a clipboard she begins to call names. Three at a time.

   I have been waiting for at the least 20 miniutes. I see a small enclosed area. Its covered by tent material. I try to listen for the questions asked. I hear anything but after they always say. "Positive. Next" I hear the woman call bee names. "Madelyn, Cole, and London" she points to us. She knows us all very well but me and her go way back. Shes my aunt. She kisses my cheeck before I go into the room. "Luck to you London" she whispers. Cole turns around. "Your Mommy works with the school, Daddy with the council, Aunt helps deliver us to America.... No wonder why both Tomas and you were chosen" he smirks. I have heard this a million times since the day we found out I was to leave. I want to say something back but I don't know what. Im not sure if my family had anything to do with me being picked. I honestly wouldn't be surprised they want it to seem like they are amazing parents. I think about this for a second, but I'm zapped out from my thoughts by a man calling my name. I walk torwards him. He tells me to sit while pointing at a chair.

For One Year- Nash grier fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now