chapter 8

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I wake to Holly's voice.

"Wake up girls! Its your first day if school! Don't want to be late.Once you're ready cone downstairs I made pancakes... Plus I have a little present for both of you!"

I sit up quickly, its my first day. I look to my right Crystal is already out of bed and in the bathroom.

I smile, take a deep breath, and close my eyes. I take my medication and then go brush my teeth. I play music while I get dressed.

I dress in a black long sleeve shirt, maroon skater skirt, white converse, maroon necklace, bracelet, earrings, and, my glasses. I put on makeup, curl my hair, and put it in a cute ponytail.

Once we are all dolled up we go downstairs.

Were welcomed by Holly and Jade. "Hey girls! You guys look gorgeous!" We both say thanks. We eat our pancakes and fruit then move to our presents.

Holly gives us our bags. I take out the tissue paper and see a red Kate spade purse. I thank her a billion times. I've always wanted one.

Crystal received a MC purse, she is ecstatic about it.

I grab my backpack ready to go but Jade pulls out two presents.

"I also got you presents.." She smiles lightly. I take the present out of her hands.

I watch Crystal first. She takes out a necklace that says best friends. I notice Jade a similar one around her neck. She also takes out a jar filled with pecies of paper.

"Its a quote for every day you're here" jade points to it. Thy hug then its my turn.

I first see the third peice to the necklace and put it on right away. Then I search deeper into the bag. I find a journal, more like a diary; like the one Jade writes in. I open the book and read the first page. For I see writing.

I simply couldn't think of a better gift to give you. I've noticed you have always wondered what I wrote in my poem book. This a way you may have your own.
I hope it comes in hand. Helps you let out your emotions. Either by poems, drawing, or whatever you wish.
Its yours. Only yours. Keep it private. Treasure it. I hope you enjoy this gift. I know you can put it to use. The words that spill out of your mouth could easily float into writing.
Be yourself, no matter who judges you. If you have a bad day, write a poem. If you have a good day, draw a picture. This book will always be there for comfort.
Some days the page may stay blank. For many of mine do. You might feel too empty to write, you might not feel anything that day. That's okay. Just at least try to look into writing.
Whatever you do though treasure it. Look in this everyday. Keep it forever. Writing is a beautiful thing. A picture is worth a thousand words but wouldn't you rather a billion?
Love jade.

I look up at her. I pull her into a great big hug. She's so beautiful with the ink.

We leave the house. Once we arrive at school Jade goes into the middle school. While crystal and I go into the high school.

Its such a big school. I've been in it twice already but it looks totally different with all these kids in it. We go to a table to get our schedules. I already know it but this is just to help me get around the school.


I search through the halls to find my locker. Once I do I put my purse, and books in there. I take a pencil and a notebook to my first period. This way I may write down needed supplies, and notes. I walk upstairs. Then go until I see the 500 hall. I soon arrive at room #507, my sex ed class.

For One Year- Nash grier fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now