4)The Road Trip AU Pt2

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Warning ⚠:mature content

Magnus' cock sprung free once Alec pulled and discarded his pants and boxers. He couldn't help but to admire what was on full display for him and him alone. It was magnificent.

It turned Magnus on even more by the minute when he saw those beautiful Hazel eyes raking up and down his body, soaking him in.

Alec slowly reached out and got a firm grip of Magnus' member, gently stroking up and down with careful hands.

He had jerked off enough times to have an idea of what would be pleasurable or not. Magnus gasped when he felt big soft hands grab at his member and stroke him, and moaned loudly with he felt something wet on the underside of his dick.

Looking down, Alec had lowered his head and started to lick up and down his dick pressing softly at the vein that was there. He had no idea what he was doing but decided to go along with instinct.

Moaning even louder, Mags tipped his head back when Alec pressed down on the vein that instantly brought a whole new pleasure to rocket through him.

He licked from base to tip and once he reached the top once more, took the head of his cock into his mouth and sucked softly.

Magnus' fingers found their way to Alec's hair and he tugged at it hard enough to make Alec moan around his cock. The vibrations from his mouth sending ripples of bliss up and down his thighs and throughout his nerves, making him moan over and over again.

Alec started to bob his head up and down slightly, taking Magnus' dick in deeper and deeper, inch by inch, hollowing his cheeks to get a better suction.

The fingers in his hair pushing his head down just gently obviously seeking out more.

Magnus bucked his hips chasing the warm wet feeling around his member, hinting for Alec to go down more by pushing his head a bit but not to much.

He raised up off of his dick and breathed for a few seconds, regaining his breath for what he was about to do. Alec took in a deep breath and took Magnus' length in his mouth once again, not stopping until the tip of his cock hit the back of his throat.

Magnus was so big that Alec still had a bit of room to hold the base of his cock. Raising up off his dick, Alec hollowed his cheeks again and plunged back down while twisting his hand that was at the bottom of mags' dick. Thanking his lucky stars for his amazing control over his gag reflexes.

Magnus cried out his pleasure as Alec blew him off like a god. Yes he was inexperienced, and was quite shy when it came to talking to strangers but man did he know how to use that mouth when in bed.

Alec came back up for air making a pop sound when the cock in his mouth was removed and Magnus looked at him in utter bliss. A trail of saliver was attached to the tip of Mags' cock and Alec's swollen plump lips, causing Magnus' breath to hitch and smile at how hot it looked.

He reached down and picked Alec up and flipped them over. But this time, if was so that he was lying flat on his stomach on the soft sheets of the hotel bed, with Magnus flush against his back.

He leaned down and ghosted his lips across Alec's ear, "I promise I'm going to make you feel so good,"

And without questioning it Alec let go and let Magnus do whatever he wanted to him.

He started grinding his cock which was in between Alec's ass cheeks and then he trailed sucking kisses down Alec's back until his was face to bum with Alec's firm and big rounded ass.

Leaning down, he gave hot wet open-mouthed kisses at the ass cheeks that were in front of him, listening to the soft moans that were escaping Alec's parted lips.

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