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Raphael was always like a son to Magnus and Magnus was always a father figure for Raphael.

When he turned into a Vampire, he went rouge. He didn't know the rules of the Shadow world, and what he was and wasn't supposed to do after he was so cruelly turned by a another rouge Vamp who didn't have control.

Magnus found him on the streets, fighting for his life desperately. He was alone and looked like he was on the brink of depression. Magnus couldn't leave him there to suffer alone. He wouldn't.

It reminded him of his own childhood and how he was left to fend on his own without a mother who took her life because of what he was, and a father he killed when he tried to kill him and all because it became too much.

He had been very close to death at some point in the long life he had lived so far but sadly the person who saved him betrayed him and left without a word. He was thankful for camille but still curses her till this day for breaking his heart forever making him fear love.

So, He vowed from that day that if he ever stumbled into a child who was in some what the same position as he was, he would go to lengths he shouldn't to help that poor soul out.

He knew the feeling and it wasn't great. At. All. He couldn't let another person he ever stumbled on or knew, fight their demons on their own.

So he took Raphael in and treated him as his own just like the countless others he did this for. But there was something about Raph that brought them closer. Made them have that special bond and feeling of family that they both hadn't had for a while.

He taught him all he had to know about the shadow world and how to act and be as a Vampire.

Raphael was forever thankful for Magnus and they loved each other as a father and son should.

He fought his way to the top and ended up with the role of The head of the NY clan and people admired him.

The only problem was that Raphael hated the Nephilim.

So when he found out that his closest companion had found true love in a shadowhunter, he was repulsed. But Alec lightwood, the man who stole Magnus' heart and took his breath away, made him happier than he had ever seen and he knew he couldn't take that away from the Warlock.

Magnus of all people deserved to be happy after all the things he's been through and all the work he's put effort into, he deserved to settle down with the one he'll live with forever and finally take a break for himself. Raphael just couldn't destroy that because he truly deserved it.

He wasn't a fan of Alec but there was nothing he could do, so he kept his mouth shut and ignored it hoping that it was just a small fling.

Oh how he was wrong. The Head of the NY Institute and The High Warlock of Brooklyn were madly in love and it wasn't going away any time soon.

There was peace between the downworlders and the Nephilim but that didn't stop Raphael from hating on them. There were reasons, but they were not to be discussed.

When his mundane sister passed away he lost it and it almost became to much for him to handle.

Rosa was the last and only blood relative he had who accepted him when he himself was a mundane, and to hear the news about her moving on broke him.

Magnus was there for him and helped him back to his feet but he wasn't all the way yet. Alec had tried comforting him as much as he could but no matter how hard he tried, Raphael would keep pushing him away all because he was part Angel.

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