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Alec sighed in content as Magnus brushed his fingers through his soft black hair. The breeze from outside cooling them down as the summer heat emerged.

They were currently laying on the living room couch just enjoying each others presence. Small content smiles on each of their faces as they breathed the others scent in. Basking in the moment.

Magnus then broke the silence enthusiastically and sat up bringing Alec who was laying on his chest with him.

"Mm, we should do something productive. It's hot out, and I'm in a serious mood for the beach, what do you say Alexander?"

Alec looked thoughtful for a minute and considered it. But had other ideas,"Well..... We could always do something else... Productive that will make us all wet..?"

He whispered and layed a hand on Magnus' chest pushing him back down on the sofa only to straddle his hips. Magnus' hands already finding their way to his waist.

He seemed to think about the offer, and was certainly going to say yes, but his need to be outside and to swim was over-riding his need for sex... Surprisingly.

As Alec bent down to catch Magnus' lips in his, he quickly put a finger between their lips and sighed, "Your offer seems idly tempting my love, but that's something we can do when we get back."

Alec completely ignored him and moved his head to kiss Magnus' neck, his eyes fluttering closed as Alec sucked and bit the sensitive skin there.

Magnus got up and carried Alec to the bedroom where he threw him on the bed, smirking as he left him laying there and sashayed away into the walk in closet.

Alecs smile faltered as he saw Magnus walking away but thought otherwise. He got up and walked in too to see Mags searching for his swimwear.

He walked up behind him and continued his deeds. "Alexander if you don't stop there will be some punishment tonight," Magnus said in an authoritve voice saved for the bedroom and Alec alone.

That made Alec stop in his tracks slightly aroused. "And if I do stop, then what...?" he asked in a whisper.

"Then you'll be rewarded my baby boy." Magnus smirked when Alec backed down, it worked every time.

He soon spotted what he was looking for and threw one to Alec who caught it with ease.

"Mags, i am not wearing these!"

'It was worth a try' Magnus thought and waved his hand changing the dark blue speedo to a short swim trunks.

Alec had no other choice because it was Magnus, like come on, he won't stop until he gets what he wants. So with a sigh he changed into it as did Mags.

Both putting a shirt over until they reach their destination. Alec with a black tank top and his blue swimshorts and Magnus with his purple tank top and red swimshorts.


Obviously they portaled because what would be the point in magic. Arriving behind a huge tree the pair stepped around and walked towards the beach.

There weren't many people around, only a couple walking along the beachside, some going in for a swim, a few here and there laying down hoping to get a tan and then a massive group of guys and girls on the far end playing games.

Alec wasn't one for people but he didn't mind this, not too crowded.

They set down the big blanket they bought with them and layed upon it.

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