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Magnus has always loved Halloween and especially loved to host Halloween parties.

It's the one day that the shadow world, well mostly downworlders, get to be who they are without scaring the mundanes.

Vampires can let their fangs out. Warlocks can unglamour their warlock marks. Seelies can look like their mystical selves and although werewolves can't change into their natural form they can drop their glamour and let their eyes and teeth show.

It's a relaxing day that leads to a wild night and everyone goes crazy for it. Its a night where everone can be themselves.

Alec on the other hand has never celebrated Halloween. With being a shadowhunter, going on missions and training all the time, there was never any time. He's only ever been once with Magnus but it got cut short from a greater demon attack.

He's never had a full experience and is planning on having one this year. This year he actually has a surprise for Magnus, one that he himself had to put a lot of confidence in.



"Iz, I need your help?"

Izzy looked at her big brother like he was crazy. He..... Wanted her help?!?! Now that was a surprise. Alec never wanted help with anything. But either way she wasn't going to miss out on the opportunity so said nothing and listened to what he had to say.

"what's up?" she asked with a massive smile on her face.

"Well...you see....." ugh why is this so hard? "Ok basically, I want to do something to surprise Magnus this year. For Halloween. I just need a bit of help to sort a few things out."

Izzys face lit up at the sound of surprises. She loved surprising people and she couldn't be more proud that Alec actually asked her for help to surprise Magnus.

Alec told her all about what he wanted to. Or more specifically, what he wanted to wear. ;)

"You bad boy, what a sneaky bitch. You know Magnus is going to be all over you the minute you step out the door. You really can be devilish when you want to be can't you!!!"

Alec smirked because he knew that Mags won't be able to resist him with what he's about to do. It was his plan after all.

" Yeah, I know. Anyway, wanna go shopping?"

He didn't even need to ask because izzy was down to go shopping any time, any day. The way she jumped up off her bed and smiled like an idiot was all the answer he needed.


"Oh my god Alec, what about this one?" izzy all but screamed in the costume shop we were in.

"Mmmm, a bit more scandalas iz." I replied. I was looking for something quite..... Revealing.

Even though the thought of being out shopping made him cringe, Alec needed the best help he could get. And izzy was most definitely more fashionable than he will ever be.

Izzy raised her eyebrows and smirked, turned around and kept looking up and down the ailes. I too went to look around.

We separated so we could cover more ground. A few quite sexual outfits caught my eye, but in the end I went for 2 outfits I found to try on. I saw izzy rounding a corner and caught up with her. "Izzy!"

She turned around and in her hand she held also 2 costumes for me to try. "Hey bro, I found these and I thight they'd look excellent on you! Why don't we try them on!" she was so excited for me I just had to smile.

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