7)The Library AU

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It was a normal school day for Alec. Everything was going typically until something rather unusual happened after school.



A blinding light is what woke me, and I squinted my eyes open to see it was the sun shining through my bedroom curtain that was half open. I stretched and looked at my alarm clock that was beside my bed and it showed 7:00 which means I woke just before my alarm which goes off at 7:10.

Obviously, I did my usual morning ruitine. Shower. Brush teeth. Change clothes and head downstairs to breakfast.

Today I decided to actually go with something more flashy in my opinion as I don't often wear fancy clothes like my brother and sister. I went with some black skinny ripped jeans and a white shirt with black and white converses and a black beanie. Comfortable and looks good.

I could hear laughter and talking downstairs, which means my parents and siblings are awake. I pack my bag for the day and made my way downstairs.

I dropped my bag by the front door and headed to the kitchen, and as I rounded the corner I saw my mum with her beautiful smile. She always seems to be happy which instantly puts me in a good mood. But then I look to the side a bit and see as my dad's face changes from happy to disgust as he sees me. But I don't let that get to me.

Ever since I came out to my family, they've all been so supportive, but my dad, not as much.

"Hey honey, breakfast is ready, help yourself." Maryse says in her joyful morning voice. It was a nice summer morning today which made me feel good, and put everyone in a good mood.

I smiled and greeted her in return giving her a kiss on the forehead, and also gretted my overly happy sibling who did in return. I picked up the delicious looking pancakes and sat at the kitchen island in front of my......dad.

"Morning." he says grumpily, and I just nod in return. We've never had the best relationship so it doesn't bother me whenever he's cold towards me.

We eat in an awkward silence, jace and izzy gone to finish getting ready for school, and max is still asleep. After a while the silence broke, and trust me when I say I was not ready for what was to come.

"So, have you found a girlfriend?" Robert asks. I instantly choke on the piece of pancake that was in my mouth and stare at him like he was crazy.

After a while I finally composed myself and responded. "Dad, you know I don't swing that way."

"Well it was worth a try. Things could change." he said stubbornly.

"Are you seriously doing this right now. I can't just change my sexuality!" I said and pushed my plate away, already loosing my appetite.

"One could hope." he said groggily and continued reading his stupid newspaper. You've got to be kidding me.

"I can't believe you. What kind of farther are you." I muttered angrily and got up, walking fastly to get away from my so called dad, ignoring my mums calls as I walked away.

I felt sorry for ignoring my mum who didn't deserve to be ignored but I didn't want to be in the same house as my dad, so I decided to take an early leave. Izzy and jace could always catch up.



The day went on and everything ran smoothly as usual. Nothing important. School is school. What else is there to it. And the end of the day approached.

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