roger 1

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“sweetheart, you're irresistible”

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sweetheart, you're irresistible

you've been waiting for this day for an entire year: your first beach trip of the summer season. as you trudge across the sand and finally reach the shore, roger sets out your towels and stands.

"it's gorgeous out here," he comments. he's shirtless, only wearing a pair of swimming shorts and a deep tan. his ringlets sway with an ocean breeze and the sun lightens the blue of his irises.

"yes," you agree. "it's spectacular." you shed your cover-up, a crocheted dress, and bundle it atop your towel.

looking up, you find roger smiling at you with a gentle rise of his lips. "i've been waiting for this day a while now, angel."

"so have i. isn't it better than being stuck in the studio with all of them?" you give a teasing glance and shimmy to him, wrapping your arms around his neck.

roger is the best hugger you know. he takes you up in his arms and presses you to his chest, allowing you to find his presence and search for his heartbeat. "don't tell keith," he whispers in your ear, "but this is a thousand times better than listening to his wembley stadium story again."

you giggle and break from roger to kiss and lead him to the shore. he happily obliges. he gives you a wide puppy dog smile when you slip into the water. it's warm from the midday sun, making you hum and lower yourself to a sitting position on one of the sand dunes. you used to sit like this as a child and catch shells when they floated past, swept up by the waves. roger stands above you and looks out over the horizon, a hand pressed to shield his gaze from the sunlight.

"you look like a sailor," you tell him and reach to catch the curve of his calf muscle.

he makes eye contact with you again. "yeah? and you're my singing siren, huh?"

having his gaze on you is just enough. "i'd like to think so." you pause, think for a moment as roger lowers himself to sit beside you. he stretches his legs out across the sandy bank and reclines on his hands. "roger?"


"you're more than i could've asked for."

his face spreads into a wide grin. he leans his head back and laughs out into the sky. "sweetheart, you're irresistible. 's like you're trying to fill me up with all your pretty words." then his eyes drop and accept you, drawing you forward in their clear affection.

in the water, on a hot summer day, you kiss roger, and feel a sparkling excitement in your stomach. he moves from you, stares for a brief moment, and stands abruptly, the water sloshing and dripping from his swim shorts.

"grab the ball from the towel, will ya? let's play some." his voice is jovial. it's what makes you get up and take the trek back to the sand despite your comfort.

when you turn to him, he's holding out his hands. you swing your arm back and throw the ball to him underhand, leaning forward into the sand. he laughs at your wobbly station. you laugh in return and open your arms. you are ready to take whatever he gives you.

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