john 5

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evening finds you sitting at the bar in the crowded space of the barracuda inne. your hands fold in your lap. the cast fish on the wall makes soggy eye contact with you. frothed nerves bother your throat and you adjust in your seat, looking wearily for the bartender.

"john," you call out to him, stopping him in his tracks as he comes back from entertaining some guests. these parties at quarwood are not uncommon, and you don't particularly mind them, but tonight you've got something weighing on you. "cherry coke?" you shake your glass.

"cherry coke." he taps a palm against his forehead. you watch him take the cup from you and fill it up.
"what's with you?"

"me?" you start sipping for some relief.

"no, her." he points off into the distance and smirks. you only roll your eyes and thumb the perspiration running down your glass. john leans toward you over the bar. "seriously, no wine, no whiskey, no cigarette? don't tell me you've gone and let roger talk you into this shit."

"no, not at all. i just went to the doctor yesterday and he told me i should take it easy."

"take it easy?" for a second, he's caught in a joke by the man two stools down from you, mick or joe or roy. he laughs robust and responds before settling back into conversation with you. this is why you're hesitant.

everyone wants john; he invites them into his world. you could chew your nails at the thought that he might find one of these women more fascinating or attractive than you.

"love?" he calls. you look up and he's staring at you, frowning.

you down the rest of your soda and give a smile. that's not enough for him as he insists you go upstairs and lie down.

"no, i'm fine, really. fancy a dance?" you hold out your hands.

this gets him. there's an old dancehall brass number playing over the sound system, something from his youth, and he happily addresses you around the corner of the bar.

you're glad to be standing, your red satin gown finally coming to rest tight against your body, and follow him to an empty space on the dancefloor.

john's a great dancer. he holds you tight, with upright posture, and swings you around the room. you cling to his shoulder like you're falling.

the two of you relish the noise of the music and save words for the communication your eyes hold. he's very touchy-feely, causing you to look around after each grope to make sure no one's watching.

"stop," john chuckles. "calm down."

his rumbling chest quells your nerves a bit. after a few more jokes, some about the balding record producer in the corner, you're laughing into him, gliding with the motion of your bodies.

you hum and move to whisper in his ear. it's then in the middle of the trumpet solo that you announce your news: "i'm pregnant."

you can feel his breath labor. his light eyes search over your face and finally settle in the depths of your own.

"yesterday?" he asks.

"mmm-hmm. the doctor told me."

he breaks into a gentle smile. and before you know it, he's taken some lady's glass and a spoon and starts banging them together. the entire crowd turns at the clinking sound.

"everyone," he announces. "my wife and i are having a baby."

you don't know where to look, face hot and exposed as applause bursts around you. a lady comes up and pats your arm, "congratulations." a few more do the same.

just as soon as the attention started, it fades. john's with you again.

"sweetheart," you groan into his chest. he strokes the back of your head. "are you excited? to have a child?"

"very. if it's a little sweet girl, we'll spoil her. i'll treat her like i treat you. if it's a boy . . . he'll be just like me."

you grin at john. "in what way?"

"charming. attractive. smart. romantic." a kiss to your hand follows.

"so that's all you are, those four things?"

"that's for you to decide. now, let me know, were you afraid to tell me?"

you nod and see his brows furrow. he pulls you closer into the waltz. you'd like to just give up and wrap your arms around his neck.

"just didn't know what your reaction would be."

"well, look at me." he's tender, subtle. your heart flowers. "i'm happy, i'm very happy."

( for stupid_git and my cheerleader classic_eastling )

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