keith 2

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"let me see your face"

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"let me see your face"

keith stands over you wearing a doctor's jacket and pressing a stethoscope to your chest.

"breathe in," he says, mocking depth in his voice. his head is tilted as if to better catch your sound.

you do, a crinkling ache echoing in your throat as you struggle air past the accumulated phlegm. a cough wracks you and keith pulls away quickly.

"i see the problem." he takes the stethoscope from his ears and shoves it into his pocket. you watch, a little red-faced, because it's the same white coat you two use during role play. "you're on the brink of death."

you gasp and throw your bare foot up to shove him in the chest. "keith!" you whine. he stumbles back and laughs.

a small breath and he sits on the bed. his back faces you. you watch his body expand as he breathes.

despite the fun you have, keith's been mopey these last few days. with you sick, he has to take care of himself.

you bring your fingers up and touch his spine. "it's almost over with," you reassure. "soon i'll be making you all the peanut butter sandwiches you could ask for."

a low sound runs through him.

"let me see your face," you say. keith looks at you, lids drooped. it's not strange for you to see him upset; you're the only one allowed his true feelings. "talk to me, honey."

he smiles at the endearment and leans to catch your hand against his cheek. "just thinking about how selfish i am. i can't help you, i can't help pete, i couldn't help — "

he stops abruptly and shuts his eyes. you run your thumb over his cheek and watch him struggle to calm.

"keith," you whisper. "i love you. if you were so selfish, you wouldn't be with me now. your soul is good. look," you tilt his chin up and his huge brown eyes stare glossy at you, "you're wonderful."

"you're not just saying that?"

"i'm not." it scratches your throat to talk this much.

he moves further toward you, enveloping. his face gives so much in its tilt and expression. he leans over top and forces your arms down, playing with the soft sheets. "if i asked you now to marry me, would you?"

you're stunned. you never imagined keith settling down to do anything, especially marriage. you study him. his irises are bright. this close, you catch flourishes of gold in the shade of his eyes.

"i'd say yes."

he smiles huge and goes to plant a large, slobbery kiss on your cheek when you push him back.

"keith, i'm sick!"

"oh, that's alright. i'm ready for you to wait on me hand and foot again." his chuckle is loud and buried in your skin as he presses his lips across your hot face and down your neck.

keith scrambles over top of you and nearly squeezes away any strength you had left with a hug. when he moves away, you have a coughing fit and he rubs your back and helps you sip water until you can breathe again.
he sits between you legs, his own crossed, and watches as you settle and groan under the covers.

he finds your toes beneath the sheets and pinches them. "so about this wedding?"

you raise your brows.

"you're serious, right?"

"of course, keith. why?"

he tosses his head, hair shaking, and smiles wide. "i just can't stop thinking about you in a white dress."

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