john 3

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"you make me happy too"

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"you make me happy too"

john's already home before you, dressed down in a t-shirt, but still wearing slacks as he leads you by the shoulders to the bathroom.

got a surprise for you, he'd said, as you fumbled around with the mail. 

now you face the tub, candle-lit and full of steaming water. you gasp, "what is all this about?"

"nothing really. just thought you might want a bath when you came home." he begins to undress and you ponder his matter-of-fact attitude. 

"john," you touch his arm, uplifted in the motion of abandoning his shirt. "this is very sweet. you're a very sweet man."

even in the little light you catch his blushed expression and the soft trip his gaze takes to the floor. "oh, y'know . . . " he mumbles out. and then, "let me get in first. so i can wash you."

you sigh, good, happy, full, and shed your work clothes, watching him step into the water. he nearly takes up the whole tub and has to fold himself for you to fit in front. when the heat washes over your sore muscles you have no choice but to lean into john's arms, letting him embrace you as your head falls to his chest. 

"how was your day?" he runs his hands over your shoulders to squeeze the ache out of them. 

you arch your back like a cat. "it was alright. the usual. i'm wondering if i should just quit and let you be the breadwinner. but then again, i can't trust your lavish spending."

"lavish?" he takes to cleaning your body, wetting and soaping the washcloth and starting at your back. 

"lavish," you affirm. you've never brought it up before, but john wastes money like a millionaire. and gives to you like a philanthropist. almost all the clothes in your closet are from him . . . and the little bottles of perfume on your vanity, the jewelry, lipstick, mascara.

a laugh escapes you, mixed from your thoughts and the feeling of john's lips on your neck. 

"what is it?" he asks, mouth very warm. "ticklish?" 

"yes, but, no." you giggle and reach up to thread your fingers in his hair. "you just make me happy."

john takes your chin in his hand and turns your face to him. "you make me happy too." a short kiss to your cheek, the side of your mouth. 

you melt like the candle wax, pooling in his palms, and after a moment of silent observation you grab the washcloth and bathe him.

rose scent and heat and flushed cheeks between the two of you. bathing turns to kissing and kissing turns to groping until you've splashed enough water on the floor for a rubber duck to float in.

that's when you decide to get out, afraid your fingertips will wrinkle, and sop up the mess with a towel. john dries off beside you and gives you a slight smack on the ass when you're bent over.

"hey," you protest and cover your behind. his hair is wet and clingy. you take advantage of the secrecy of the moment, how it's just the two of you. john won't talk about times like these, so they stay a language in themselves, memories to fall back on. your feigned scowl turns to a grin.

"couldn't resist," he responds, and offers the robe he bought for your birthday: plush cotton.

you shoulder it on and tie the front closed. as you did before your bath you loosen and exhale.

"are you tired?" john prods. he has a look in his blue eyes.

"no. what did you have in mind?" but you're just asking to get the words out of him.

a barely-there smirk, the slight raise of his brows. "a perfect end to our night. how does that sound?"

your palms wander to his chest and his heartbeat comes strong beneath the skin. you share his gaze. "just what i was thinking." 

( for 70swhoreykwtfgo and PoppyPaul1964  an update on the who show: im going to have to wait until october to see them. all my plans dashed :( anywayss enjoy these requests i'm writing ~ more to come <33 )

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