Chapter 4: First day of training

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When I got to the Heartfielia estate I let out a sigh glad to be here again even if it was silent seeing as the servants weren't here anymore.
"Open gate of the lion, Leo, open gate of the goat, Capricorn" I called out holding the two gold keys and the two appeared before me.
"Lucy my love how have you been?" Loke flirted kissing my hand making me smile a little at his normal flirting ways.
"I'm fine, I was hoping you guys would be willing to help me out with training. After what happened with Natsu I want to get stronger so that he can't insult you guys like that ever again" I explained and Loke clenched his hand.
"We would be happily at your service Lady Lucy" Capricorn replied with a bow and I nodded.
"Thank you for this, not only would I like to expand my magic but I would also like to get stronger physically so I can fight alongside you guys more" I said.
"I will put together the schedule straight away with your other spirits" Capricorn said with a bow as he left.
"Lucy" Loke called and I looked at him.
"I can't choose what you do or think but even if you decide to forgive that pink haired lizard, I will never forgive him for what he dared to try and do to you" Loke warned, shaking in rage and I smiled and walked up to him and grabbed his hand.
"Just like you I can't choose what you think or do and I can understand why you decided on that. In fact I don't even know if I can forgive him but maybe in time" I smiled and he nodded with a smile as he left and I headed to the main house. 

"I'm back home" I announced looking at the portrait on the wall that I had hung up again underneath it was a table which had Michelle, in her doll form, sitting there in new clothes and all patched up.
"I'm back now Michelle and we can play again later after I settle in," I said as I picked her up and headed to my bedroom. I know that a seventeen year old walking around with a doll was rather weird but after the infinity clock incident and me remembering her. It made me want to have the doll that was my best friend back so I got her back. Not only did I still write letters to my mother, I would sometimes visit her and tell her what happened so that's what I did. I sat down on my bed and spoke and while I spoke I laughed, cried and went silent. 

When I finished I sat her on the bed and headed to the kitchen to whip some lunch up for me. At least that was the plan until I saw that Virgo was in the kitchen already cooking.
"What are you doing Virgo you don't have to make my food" I laughed.
"Ah princess I'm sorry shall you punish me?" Virgo requested and I sweat dropped at her normal ask for punishment.
"No Virgo no punishment but what are you doing here? I didn't summon you" I reminded her with a sigh.
"Big brother Loke told me to come and cook your lunch according to the new diet plan he and Capricorn came up with" Virgo explained and I nodded.
"Thanks Virgo, I'm going to help you out next time, okay? Once I learn the recipes that is" I said.
"Of course princess, also big brother has asked me to pass this along" Virgo said and I took the sheet of paper that outlined the training that they were going to put me through. Capricorn and Loke were in charge of hand to hand combat as well as endurance, Gemini and Sagittarius had magic and shooting, Virgo and Taurus in charge of strength and stealth, Aquarius and Scorpio had climate control along with pain resistance, Aries and Cancer had weapons and magic. All of them were going to help me with magic but each of them has their own areas of expertise.
"Thanks I'll start running and such after lunch, oh I just remembered I got that book from that mayor" I said as I raced to my room grabbing the book and heading down again to read while eating lunch. 

"Whoa this is great Virgo thanks" I thanked and she nodded as she left. I looked at the book and my eyes widened. It was hand written and it had all about different keys.
"This, she made a note on every key she heard of, had at one time or even the rumours that she heard" I gasped as I read.
"Bronze, silver, gold. I've heard of them. I even have some of them but crystal, obsidian, ruby, emerald, sapphire and diamond? I haven't heard of them before and they are only rumours. Maybe I need to ask grandpa Crux about it" I thought out loud before finishing up. Before I headed back to my room I headed to the front of the mansion and ran all the way to the last workers house and back making my chest heave with breath. Sweat was pouring off me but it wasn't going to stop me. I still had the push ups, sit ups, jumping jacks and the other things in the schedule before I headed to my rooms en-suite for a bath. 

Once I finished I headed into my room and summoned both Lyra and Crux so that Crux could look up the keys for me and Lyra could play a song for me so I could relax.
"Oh ho" Grandpa Crux yelled, making me look at him in shock.
"The crystal, obsidian, ruby, emerald, sapphire and diamond keys are in fact real keys, though I can not access what exact spirits they are. They are really hard to get for you must find the key and prove yourself before you may open them" Crux explained and I smiled.
"Thanks for that Grandpa Crux, see you later" I said as he left and I laid in bed. 

At least that was until I heard a noise and I saw it was the communication lacrima that gramps gave me.
"Lucy, how are you?" Freed's voice came from it as a picture appeared, the thunder legion, Laxus, Wendy, the exceeds, Gajeel and Cana's faces appeared to be fighting in front of the lacrima.
"You guys don't need to fight. I know you are all there. How was your day today?" I questioned looking at them.
"It was great though we miss you already, oh and Carla and I are letting Happy stay with us" Wendy informed me.
"Natsu and I just need some time away from each other, he still thinks he didn't do anything wrong but he has and I won't forgive him until he admits he was wrong" Happy huffed.
"Happy don't let this become a rift between you guys on my account, it's fine. I am sure that Natsu is just being stupid right now and he I'll be back to normal in no time" I smiled.
"Okay but I still have to punish him" Happy scowled, making me laugh.
"Oh Lucy I am going to miss you here, talking to you about all the latest gossip is fun. Wendy is way too young and Cana is drunk all the time" Evergreen complained and I smirked.
"You could always talk to Elfman" I teased, making her go bright red.
"It's not like that" Evergreen spluttered but I didn't believe anything about that at all.
"It's getting late and I have a big day tomorrow of training so I'll call you tomorrow if I am able to see as I am not holding anything back" I said with a yawn.
"Get your sleep and do your best, we will all be here to hold you up when you need it so don't forget us" Laxus ordered and I laughed.
"I would never be able to forget you guys" I smiled before shutting the lacrima and laying down hugging Michelle to me.
'Tomorrow is a big day that will change me for the better. It was time for me to grow up and take training seriously so I could be more dependable and find more friends' was the last thought that went through my head before I went to sleep.

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