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Ten years later

"You better be ready or so help me God you will wish you were" Lucy yelled up the stairs her hands on her hips.
"Sorry Mama but Jude kept messing my hair up" a young girl whined as she came down with her older brother following with a snicker.
"Celeste we have spoken about you whining and Jude stop messing with your sister especially not today. You know that today is a very important day for Papa" Lucy scolded looking at the two children. Jude was Lucy and Laxus's first child, he had Lucy's yellow blonde hair but Laxus's blue eyes and he was nine at the moment. Celeste was Lucy and Laxus's second child, she had Laxus's blonde hair and Lucy's brown eyes and she was six at the moment. Most people wouldn't be able to tell the difference in the shade of the children's hair since Lucy and Laxus had basically the same hair colour but both parents could tell the difference.
"Sorry Mama" both children chimed ducking their heads.
"Geez what am I going to do with you guys and Papa?" Lucy chuckled, shaking her head fondly as she walked over straightening Celeste's pigtails and then wiped dirt off Jude's face.
"Now then are we ready to leave, do you have everything?" Lucy asked, getting beaming smiles and nods in return. 

"I'm just in time then" a voice grinned.
"Uncle Jackel" Jude yelled as he raced over to the celestial spirit. Unlike their mother Jude and Celeste were born with the ability of lightning magic users. Even so Lucy made sure that her children respected and treated the spirits right since most of them were family.
"I wasn't sure if you were going to make it since I couldn't summon you" Lucy smiled her hand self consciously drifting to her stomach and settling on her eight month pregnant belly.
"Are you kidding? Loke and I fought over who would come, I wouldn't miss this for the world, and don't you guys look dashing?" Jackel complimented. Jude was dressed in a short sleeve white button up shirt with a pair of jeans and joggers with his hair spiked up much like his father's. Celeste was dressed in a pink and white knee length dress, some stockings with a pair of white slip-on shoes with her hair pulled up into two pigtails. Lucy on the other hand was wearing a short sleeve V neck dark blue dress that reached just past her knees that had gold and white dots over it like stars and a pair of golden sandals. Ever since Lucy had recovered from what happened ten years ago she tended to wear long sleeves so that no one could see the scars that now littered her body but she decided to make an exception today. Not even the best of the healing mages could get rid of the celestial symbols or the elemental symbols on her arms. It was fine though because Laxus and everyone else loved Lucy, scars and all.
"Your looking charming as well" Lucy returned the compliment seeing that Jackel had worn a tie on his normal clothes.
"Of course I am, now then shall we set out before we miss the starting" Jackel grinned. Lucy nodded as she grabbed one of Jude's hands and one of Celeste's hands heading to the train station. 

After Jude was born both Lucy and Laxus decided to move back to the Heartfielia cozen but they weren't alone. Evergreen, Elfman, Bixlow, Cana, Freed and Mira moved in as well. They of course didn't live in the main house but they had houses in the village near the main house. Lucy had stuck to her word and made some of the Heartfielia land into a village that most of the older members of Fairy Tail now resided with their families. She also had another smaller town off to the side for criminals to be in, while there they would look after vegetable fields and animal farms while readjusting to normal life. Surprisingly that was also where Lahar and Dorenbolt had decided to settle down so they could watch over the reformed prisoners. 

The train ride was only twenty minutes to get to Magnolia but with two energetic children it felt like it was three hours.
"Finally, now hopefully they will play with the other children and wear themselves out" Lucy groaned as they walked into the Fairy tail guild. Instantly Jude shot off to hang out with Simon and Ira, Erza and Jellal's nine year old son and seven year old daughter. Celest on the other hand went to Silver and Licana, Gray and Juvia's five year old son and Gajeel and Levy's six year old daughter.
"Hey Lu come sit down, you look like you need a pick me up" Mira called, placing a strawberry milkshake on the table making her head over and sit down. Smiling, she looked down to see Hana and Tori. Hana was Freed and Mira's four year old daughter and Tori was Freed and Mira's four year old son, they were twins and both were shy.
"Aunt Lucy, Aunt Lucy" two voices called, making her turn to the two kids who were racing towards them. It was Vivian and Samuel, Samuel was Cana and Bixlow's three year old son and Vivian was Evergreen and Elfman's three year old daughter.
"Can we feel the baba?" Vivian asked with a toothy grin.
"Ok come here then" Lucy grinned, picking Vivian up and placed her to the left of her and put Samuel to the right of her before gently putting their hands on her belly where the baby was kicking. 

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