Chapter 5: Not giving up no matter what

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When I woke up I got up and headed for the bathroom to get ready for the day dressing in a shorts bra and training pants before going for breakfast. When I finished eating I summoned Capricorn and Loke who were the first people to train me.
"Ready for this Lucy?" Loke asked and I nodded.
"Before we start I must ask you not to hold back, no matter what happens. Unless I am fully out of magic power or I can't even stand on my feet you are to keep pushing me" I ordered and their eyes widened and nodded.
"Very well Lady Lucy let us begin with a warm up before moving on to endurance and then your fighting" Capricorn said and I nodded going through the stretches and then the endurance routine. 

By that time it was time for lunch and I was exhausted but I wasn't ready to throw in the town.
"Now we will start hand to hand training. Are you ready?" Loke questioned.
"Yes don't hold back now" I firmly said and he nodded as we started to fight. Loke attacked full on and I was hard pressed to dodge out of the way let alone attack.
"Don't run away, you are meant to be fighting not running or do you not wish to get stronger" Capricorn instructed and I nodded turning to Loke. Putting my arms up I blocked the kick that Loke tried to hit me with and responded with my own leg sweep. We continued back and forth for a while, I could barely get a hit in but I was already roughed up and bruised by Loke but I kept getting up.
"Let us call it a day it is getting late, tomorrow you will be training with Virgo and Taurus" Loke decided and I nodded as I pulled myself up off the ground even as I was battered and bruised.
"Maybe I should help you out," Loke said but I waved him off with a smile.
"It's fine I can still walk don't worry about it, it's okay really this is how I will get stronger" I smiled as I headed inside and Loke nodded and left along with Capricorn since my magic was running low for having two gold keys opened at the same time for most of the day. 

After entering the house I ate some dinner before taking a nice long soak in the tub to take some of the pain away from my sore limbs. Every day was going to be like this for a while until I got used to it but that would be okay after all I was going to be getting stronger. 

Just like I predicted the next day was the same but Virgo had to help me have a bath and carry me to bed.
"Lucy, are you sure you want to keep this up? You might collapse" Loke warned with concern. It was Saturday and it had been decided that Saturday and Sunday would be my days to rest, study and look for more keys.
"I know you are worried but you don't need to worry, I'm a Fairy Tail wizard so I am not giving up no matter what" I said my eyes burning with a fire that surprised Loke a little.
'That fire, it is the same one that she had that day, the day that she saved my life and gave me a new purpose. There was no way for me to talk her out of that so there was no way for me to talk her out of this either' Loke thought.
"I know you have it in you to unlock a deeper power than any other celestial wizard has ever had after all you saved me" Loke smiled as he left for the day as I nodded my thanks. 

"Hey Lucy, how are you holding up?" Wendy smiled on the lacrima screen as I looked up from my book.
"Oh Wendy I'm okay how is the guild going?" I asked.
"Pretty good, Cana is going to take Carla and I on a mission with her, Laxus and his group have gone on a mission while Gajeel, Lily and Happy went on a mission. Oh by the way Gildarts came back but left again he left a present for you and a promise to visit when you get back" Wendy reported and I nodded.
"That's great Wendy you are getting more experience, soon enough you will be able to go on the big missions by yourself" I smiled fondly at seeing her grow up.
"Hey Lucy I wanted to ask for your opinion on something or rather your advice?" Wendy shyly admitted, looking down with a blush.
"Of course I will help however I can so feel free to ask whatever you want" I said, putting the book down and giving the lacrima my full attention.
"Well I.....I really like Romeo and I want to ask him to see a movie with me but I don't know how. I don't even know if he likes me or not after all I am older than him or I would have been if not for the seven years we lost. Then even if he somehow said yes, I have no idea what to wear or how to talk to him at all" Wendy explained in a panic that made me laugh.
"Oh Wendy I don't mean to laugh at you but you worry over the strangest things, the only way to ask Romeo is to go up and ask him and who wouldn't like you with how sweet and cute you are? We didn't actually age so you are the same age as him and finally what you wear and talk about. Well it's just like normal, you go out wearing clothes and get to know each other more than you do already, how about I suggest something?" I asked and she nodded her head.
"Why don't you, once you are finished talking to me, go and ask him before you leave for the mission? Therefore if he does reject you, which I highly doubt will happen, you have some time to come to grips with it before coming back to the guild. And if he does say yes, which I think he will, you have something to look forward to and I am sure that Cana can help you with your clothes or if Evergreen is back in time" I suggested and she blushed before getting up looking ready to take on the world.
"Thank you Lucy-nee" Wendy beamed as she ended the call making me giggle. I was happy for her that she had someone like Romeo even if I didn't have anyone yet I was sure that I would find someone for me soon enough. 

Before I knew it was Monday again and I was fighting against Loke once more but I realised he was holding back making me stop.
"Loke stop holding back, I can take it even with you going full out I can take it and it will get strength for it, do you not trust me to be able to become strong enough to fight you?" I demanded glaring at him, making him sigh.
"Sorry Lucy but it's a habit, I want to protect you not hurt you" Loke sighed.
"Then think like you are protecting me, there have been many times in the past where my keys have been taken from me or my magic doesn't work. This is you protecting me by teaching me how to protect myself without the use of magic" I explained and he nodded before coming at me full power once more making me dodge and punch back catching him a little off guard when I followed through with a kick.
'No matter what I am not giving up no matter what, I will prove them wrong I will show them that I can be strong and that my spirits are just as strong as anyone else in the guild they will regret looking down on us' I thought dodging another hit.

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