Chapter 9: A mission

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Waking up the next morning I headed to the kitchen silently after getting up and getting dressed in a pair of blue skinny jeans and a black and gold frilly singlet paired with a pair of black sandals. I made sure to make some eggs and bacon and orange juice knowing that most of them were going to wake up with killer hangovers.
"Morning Lucy" Mira yawned as she walked into the kitchen.
"Morning, is anyone else awake yet?" I asked.
"Yeah they are all groaning and moaning over headaches and aches and pains" Mira smiled.
"Help me take this food out to them, they should know that I don't have beds for them by now" I grinned as we took the plates over food out and got smiles that were more like grimaces.
"It's your own faults, I warned you guys but for now instead of that just eat up then have a shower, you guys stink" I said as they started to eat.
"Okay we should get going if we want to manage to get the job done and get back today" Laxus said after everyone was ready and I nodded as I grabbed a white backpack.
"See you guys later give Lis-chan, Lily and Carla my best until I get back and then also tell Happy I'll bring him a fish" I called as we headed to the train station. 

On the train Laxus went down looking green but tried not to show it so I grabbed his head and laid it on my lap running my hands through his hair while he listened to music. Evergreen had the latest fashion magazine, Bixlow was sleeping or talking to his babies and Freed was reading a book on runes. Soon enough the train pulled up and I had to help Laxus off the train until he recovered.
"Let's meet the mayor then head to the mines to get rid of that monster" Bixlow smirked.
"Leave me to handle the mayor, you guys just wait here" Freed sighed as he headed into the mayor's office.
"We are going into the mines now so we should be done soon" Laxus said as Freed came out with the mayor.
"Good that is good, I wish you luck Fairy Tail wizards" the mayor smiled as we headed towards the mines.
"When we get in here we stay together Lucy you stay with Freed, Bixlow and Ever together and I'll bring up the rear" Laxus ordered and we nodded as we headed into the mines. Thankfully Freed put a rune on me so I would be able to see in the dark. 

"There is a large caven up here, probably where they live," Evergreen announced as we continued to walk.
"This seems like the place the Mayor told us about, now we have to find the vulcans," Freed said as we looked around the cave. Suddenly I had to cover my ears as we heard a large roar and I saw the others doing the same.
"Son of a-" Bixlow snarled.
"That isn't a Vulcan, it's a damn Wyvern" Laxus growled.
"And from what I can see, a poisonous wyvern" I gulped seeing the melted rock that could only be done by venom.
"Let's hope, it's only one we are about to meet the wyvern so get ready" Bixlow announced and we all got ready. I grabbed my whip out and grabbed Sagittarius's key out ready to summon him and my star dress just in case seeing as using distance attacks would be better. With a rumble and another roar we looked to see the Wyvern lumbering towards us.
"It's a male make sure that you aim for the belly and chest also make sure not to get hit with the poison" Laxus yelled as we got to work. Summoning Sagittarius I told him to aim for the chest while I got my star dress and aimed for the belly hoping to get a good shot. Laxus shot lightning towards the Wyvern while Bixlow started sending his babies in, Evergreen had her fairy machine gun while Freed was putting up runes while also watching out for me.
"Watch out" I screamed, diving for Freed and rolling down one of the tunnels as another Wyvern entered behind Freed.
"Lucy, Freed" Laxus yelled as the rocks started to collapse.
"Come on" I yelled, grabbing Freed's hand and pulling him as we ran until we were safe for now. 

"Damn, there were two Wyven's meaning it's a male and female, hopefully they don't have eggs yet" Freed huffed and I nodded hissing as I saw that there was a large gash on my leg.
"You okay Freed, I didn't mean to tackle you like that but it was right behind you" I explained.
"It's fine, nothing that won't heal but for now we should try and get back to the others," Freed said, holding his shoulder with one arm and the other around his ribs.
"Are you sure you're okay?" I asked him.
"Yeah the Wyvern got me a little before you managed to get me away but it will be fine" Freed smiled reassuringly and I nodded, biting my lip to hold my worry in. Slowly we walked through the tunnel hoping that we would be safe until we got back to the others.
"Hey Lucy we should take a break, I'm out of breath and you need to wrap that leg up" Freed decided sitting on a rock and I nodded as I ripped the bottom of my shirt leaving it to be a crop top so that I could wrap my leg.
"Are you sure you're okay Freed?" I asked again, seeing as he had lost even more colour than before.
"Yeah, yeah just tired" Freed whispered before he started to fall forward making me yelp and rush to catch him.
"Freed," I whispered, grabbing him before shaking his shoulder. Looking at his side I hissed seeing that Freed had been hit with some of the venom meaning that it had been seeping through his skin and into the blood.
"Damnit hang in there Freed, I'll get us some help" I promised as I turned and managed to get Freed onto my back. I was glad that I had gotten more muscle so I could carry him but I was still slow because of my leg. 

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