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Carlisia drove her new Acura with joy to a place not so joyful, school.
Last night her mom and Ben had left to go to a important business trip and wont be home till next week and the boys being boys, took this opportunity to skip school because ‘something came up’ and ‘they needed to go to a friend’s house immediately’.
The excuse the two of them made up when Gibson, their third in command, called in telling them about the decapitated body of the former Beta found rotting in the woods.
Carlisia groaned as she shook her head but enjoyed the drive as she slid into the parking lot of her school. Her ride getting glances as people stared at with awe, trying to get a glimpse of the owner through the tinted window but Carlisia was too innocent to see that as she slid the empty parking space, collecting her books.
She collected her bag and took out her cell phone. She had been wanting to call Zane yesterday but she was to ashamed and embarrassed to know where to begin. But she was going to call him today.
“Damn that car is sexy.” She hears the voice of a boy bringing her out of her daze causing her to laugh as she reaches for her bag. She looks at the guy and remembers him to be the one in her Chemistry class.
She shakes her head once again and quickly gets out of the car causing the boys eyes to widen.
“L-luna.” He stutters looking at her and Carlisia looks behind her in confusion to whom he was addressing but when she turned back the boy was gone.
Sadness clouded her features. She had failed to make even a single friend, with the exception of David. Giving out a sigh Carlisia slams the door shut of the car and is about to lock it when she hears a zooming voice accelerating towards her.
The voice seemed oddly familiar and no later Carlisia’s eyes landed on the familiar black Lamborghini that sped towards her at a rakish speed. For a moment she thought it was going to run her over but it squealed to a stop on the parking space beside her, causing her to throw her body to her car, breathing heavily.
“Oh, Good Morning Carlisia. How are you today?” Gabriel asks her as he gets out of the driver’s seat observing her shaken state.
“Y-you could have run me over.” Carlisia whispers her opinion after a few minutes of silence and to her surprise, the man before her laughed.
“I can assure, I have no intentions of running over a beautiful girl like you. You will be shocked to know that I am a very precise and accurate driver, a bit fast, but never reckless.” He says and Carlisia nods a small blush creeping to her cheeks as a result of the compliment.
Carlisia heard tapping on the window from the backseat of Gabriel’s car and saw him roll his eyes before opening the door.
Carlisia watched as the little girl came out and quickly ran to Carlisia hugging her knees.
“Hello Annabella.” Carlisia says smiling happily at the little girl.
“Hewo Carwy! I mwissed you.” She says and Carlisia laughs.
“I missed you too. I love your hair today.” Carlisia says examining the piggy tails in which Bella’s hair was braided today.
“Thankwyou. Bwig Bwother made them for me.” Bella says and Carlisia smiles as Gabriel quickly grabs Bella.
“Bells your going to be late. Time to go to your class.” Gabriel says with authority and Annabella quickly nods.
Carlisia was shocked at the girls obedience but quickly reached for her bag,
“Wait!” She said to Bella and quickly took out the big packet of candy she had brought from Tacoma to keep her company, and handed it to the little girl, watching as her face quickly lit up.
Bella squealed in delight while Gabriel observed the scene with curiosity.
“Thwankyou!” Bella says and tugged at Carlisia’s skirt, causing her to look down at the happy girl.
“Yes?” Carlisia asks and Anna shakes her head and motions her hand for Carly to come down to her level.
She laughs but crouches in front of Annabella who quickly wraps her arm around her and kisses her cheek before running off to her side of the building.
Gabriel faintly smiles. His mate was a miracle if she made Annabella kiss her, which is saying something since she doesn’t even kiss our mom nor her dad however he wasn’t going to voice his opinion.
“Shall we get to class?” He asks and Carlisia nods, awkward.
She began to walk but tensed as soon as she felt his hand on her lower back guiding her. Gabriel could feel her tense but as long as she didn’t say anything he would take advantage of touching her. After all she will have to get used to this sooner or later.
People bowed their heads in their directions as Carlisia and Gabriel walked past them, and Carlisia silently prayed that David would come to her but to her surprise she couldn’t see him anywhere.
“So what do you think of Fircrest so far. I heard you came from Australia.” Gabriel says attempting to make small conversation as he enters the first class of the day and sits down besides her.
Carlisia was surprised that he was talking to her so casually.
“It’s very quite.” Carlisia says honestly.
Back at Australia she would be surrounded by noise 24/7. It was natural since Sydney was lively area to live in, with people working nonstop but here she wouldn’t even hear the sound of a car after ten in the evening.
“Yeah. We like our peace and quiet. It’s very serene, especially when you start to notice the beauty of it.” Gabriel replies surprising Carlisia once again.
He was changing her view of him. Maybe he wasn’t so scary after all. Maybe he was nice.
“I haven’t gotten out much lately. I wandered off into the woods once and that’s that. I went to Tacoma this weekend with my uncle. Its nice.” Carlisia says for the sake of small talk.
“Quite noisy though.” Gabriel says and Carlisia gives him a small smile before giving her attention to the footsteps that entered the class, belonging to her teacher.
No later the lesson started and Carlisia got engrossed in it taking notes and finally a bit loose. She had out of instinct tensed when Gabriel had been talking to her for some reason.
This side of him seemed foreign to her. From his demeanor with everyone else she thought he would also be scary to her but from what she could see, he was making an effort to be kind.
Maybe he wanted them to be friends? She could use some friends.
But if he was so nice then why was everyone scared of him.
Carlisia sneaked a glance at Gabriel and found him looking at his cell phone.
The guy was surrounded with mystery, just like this town and something told her they were connected.
Carlisia returned her gaze to the front of the front of the class and now it was Gabriel’s turn to sneak a glance at her.
He wanted her to warm up to him and was making a bloody effort too with everything collapsing around him.
One of his many enemies had arrived here, making his presence known like a neon sign by decapitating a member of his pack.
This would be nothing if only he knew who the enemy was. It was no doubt a vampire but who?
He had made many enemies over the years and in a gruesome way was proud of that. More enemies meant more bloodshed and he craved blood.
He was a creature that found comfort in blood.
He had stayed up all night last night over this issue trying to track the bastard down but to no avail and grew restless. His restlessness led him to hunt an entire flock of stray sheep but still he couldn’t calm down and knew only one person could cure him.
That was the only reason he was here and not in the pack house. Because he wanted to be near his mate so she could settle his restlessness.
He was brought out of his trance just as the bell rang the sound of books closing filled his ear.
“Okay class don’t forget to finish these questions. This work is due tomorrow and no buts.” The teacher says hearing groans throughout the class but the girl beside him didn’t say a word as she gathered her stuff into her bag.
“You seem happy about homework.” Gabriel says as softly as he could but still the girl beside him jumped at his voice but relaxed a bit.
“Why complain when you have to do it anyway?” She says and gets up slinging her bag on her shoulder and looks at the guy who was deep in thought beside her.
Awkwardly she begin to get out of the crowded classroom so she could go to her next class when suddenly Gabriel grabs her hand.
“Wait!” He says and Carlisia looks at him tensed by his touch.
“Will you accompany me at lunch?” Gabriel asked and Carlisia could feel eyes on her. Some of the girls were still in the class and now were staring at them.
“Excuse me?” Carlisia says.
“I thought since you don’t have any friends would you mind having lunch with me? I need to discuss a few things with you.” Gabriel says and Carlisia nods.
“Yes Ofcourse.” She says and he smiles before getting up.
“Lets get you to class.” He says and Carlisia looks at him a bit uncomfortably.
“I can get to class myself. Thank you.” She says.
“It isn’t safe for a beautiful girl to walk alone with your friend and brothers not here to protect you. Bad things can happen.” Gabriel says and ushers her out of the class while Carlisia’s mind was on his words. Just a week ago she a guy tried to assault her in the very parking lot of this school.
They reached the next class and sat down at the very end like always and she muttered a thankyou to Gabriel.
“No problem.” He replied but Carlisia was too dazed to care.
She was anxious and scared to know what he wanted to talk to her about, alone.

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