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Carlisia stared at him with her mouth ajar as her eyes travelled from the red gashes on his neck to the bags underneath his eyes.
From the marks on his neck it looked like someone had tried to choke him. Not to mention how pale he looked.
“Ruben, what happened to you?” She asks examining his wounds.
“Nothing. Soccer practice. No biggie, I’m fine.” He replies in a single breath, not looking at her.
“You look like someone tried to choke you.” Carlisia says, hoping he would tell her the truth but that didn’t happen.
“Let it go Carlisia. It’s nothing. Come on; let’s get you your schedule.” He says and she nods, still looking at the mark on his neck.
“Where’s Elijah?” She asks after a few minutes of uncomfortable silence.
“Oh, his class starts a bit early.” Ruben replies but still doesn’t looks at her.
Upon reaching the office Ruben’s phone began ring and he curses.
“I’m sorry Carly but can you take of everything from here. I have to take care of some things.” He says and Carlisia just nods.
She can take care of herself.
“Great. I’ll find you later.” He says before rushing away and Carlisia just looks at his retreating figure.
She takes a deep breath before entering the small office which consisted of a plant at the corner of the room and two chairs in front of a desk behind witch a lady not more than her thirties remain seated, smiling at her.
“May I help you?” She asks Carlisia, bringing her attention to the lady.
“Yes Please. I am the new student, Carlisia Dominic-”she says and the lady cuts me off.
“Oh, Of course. Welcome! I forgot we were having a new student. Please wait a moment whileI get you your schedule.”
The lady starts typing on the laptop in front her leaving her to continue examining the room.
Carlisia walked towards the plant while waiting for the lady to be done when she noticed how dry it was. It was welting and without a second thought, Carlisia took out the bottle of water from her bag, emptying its contents in the pot.
Carlisia looked at the lady who was struggling with the printer when suddenly she gets up.
“ I am sorry but there has been an issue. I’ll be right back.” She says and rushes out of the office closing the door behind her, with a slam.
Carlisia sighs and goes to sit on one of the chairs, waiting for the lady to come quickly when suddenly she hears the wiggling of the door knob and the door bursts open.
She looks at the person and her eyes widen a bit.
There stood the scary person her step brothers had claimed to be the doctor, Gabriel Kane. He was wearing a suit which fitted him perfectly but nonetheless, he still looked scary.
What was he doing here? Wasn’t he a doctor?
He notices her and suddenly fills with warmth.
“Good Morning.” He says softly, slightly smiling.
“Morning.” Carlisia replies looking at the floor. She hears footsteps approaching her and soon the scraping of the chair beside her. She looks up slightly to see him seated comfortably beside her.
“So how are you feeling? Does your head hurt?” He asks and she shakes her head.
“I’m fine.” She replies praying the lady would come soon.
“So what do you think of Fircrest so far?” He says inching a bit closer.
“It’s okay.” She replies not making an effort to keep up with his attempts to make small talk but then curiosity did got the best of her.
“Aren’t you a doctor?” She finally asks after a few minutes of silence.
“Yes I am. But I don’t take that up as my profession.”He replies and she nods feeling eyes on her.
“You seem tired. Did you sleep okay?” He asks and Carlisia stiffens.
“Yes. It’s just the time difference.” She replies and Gabriel leans into her making her lean back.
“Are you sure? You saw nothing out of place? Anything extraordinary?” He asks and for a moment Carlisia decided to tell him the incident that took place last night but she stayed shut. She didn’t want to get in trouble.
“No. Nothing as such.” She replies.
Suddenly the she heard clicking of heels making her sigh with relief while standing up from the chair.
The lady comes in with the schedule but stops dead in her tracks as soon as she notices Gabriel.
“A-Alpha Gabriel how may I help you?” She says shaking with fear making Carlisia look at the poor lady with pity.
“I would like you to get me the list of all the classes.” He says with authority, his head pointing in my direction and the lady nods, quickly giving Carlisia the schedule before scurrying away.
 “Thankyou.” She says even though she knew the lady was long gone to hear her.
Carlisia looked at Gabriel who smiled at her and without a second thought she went.
She was creeped out. That lady, she was older than him than why was she scared of him? Why did she rush to fulfill his orders at his authority?
Carlisia shook her head then looked at her schedule while walking.
Completely ordinary but her sixth period, which was right after lunch caught her eye.
 All classes will be supervised by Alpha Gabriel Kane.
She read the sentence over and over again but ceased to understand it. What meant by, ‘professional purposes.’ But what she didn’t understand was the while all the teachers were addressed as Mr. or Ms. he was addressed with the word ‘Alpha’.
Why was that?
She quickly took out a pencil from her pocket and encircled the word, so she could Google it later on at lunch.
Before another thought could cross Carlisia’s mind someone bumped into her making her fall on the floor.
Carlisia groans looking at the person, which turned out to be a boy a bit older than her.
“Oh, I am so sorry! I didn’t look where I was going.” The boy says helping Carlisia up.
“No worries.” Is all Carlisia replies brushing her clothes while the boy gave her the bag she had dropped.
“I’m David.” He says cheerfully and extended her hand for Carlisia to shake.
“Carlisia.” She replies shaking his hand.
“You must be the hum- I mean new girl. Ruben and Elijah’s step sister, right?” David says and Carlisia nods.
She wondered if she could ask him the meaning of the word but something told her not to.
“Great. I’ll help you to your locker. What’s the number?” He asks and Carlisia mutters a 44D.
David had helped her to her locker, chatting away the entire way, making her realize one thing.
He was a hefty talker. Just like Zane.
Carlisia placed her books into the locker hurriedly. She had only five minutes to get to her homeroom which happened to be Pre Calculus.
Upon entering the class, everyone’s eyes were on her and then the whispering began, yet again.
The guys were gawking at her while the girls just stared at her with curiosity whispering.
Damn, I want to tap that ass.
I can’t wait to get her to bed.
She felt disgusted by their words and glanced at David who was glaring at the group of guys.  The both of them made their way to the far end of the room sitting in the corner, but still the stares continued.
Finally a short yet bulky man walked in followed by Gabriel.
“Good Morning class. As most of you remember me, I’m Wilson Adamson your Pre Calculus teacher. Most of you might be aware that under certain conditions a-alpha Gabriel will be supervising certain classes and yes it includes our class as well.” He says looking at the crowd of children nervously smiling at Carlisia before looking at the man that radiated authority.
Carlisia looked at the classmates beside her and noticed that they looked nervous and scared keeping their eyes fixed on their Alpha.
Gabriel looked through the crowd of scared teenagers, inwardly smiling, knowing how much he intimidated them. Finally his eyes landed on the pretty little thing he was looking for, Carlisia but they soon darkened when he saw David sitting right beside her, smiling at her.
“Mr. Wilson! Get up.” Gabriel growls and the entire class turns their heads to the last two seats at the corner of the room.
David stood up quickly but wasn’t much fazed by the force with which Gabriel had called his name while Carlisia’s heartbeat went sky high.
“There.” Gabriel says pointing at a chair at the other corner of the room. Without a question David bowed his head and made his way to the chair, giving Carlisia a small smile.
Carlisia frowned as she saw him leave the chair beside her. She looked up and saw Gabriel looking at David with venom.
“Continue.” He says to the teacher who nods frantically.
Gabriel gave another look to the class, making eye contact while they cowered underneath his gaze.
It gave him great pleasure to know that the strongest fighters known among their kind were scared of him, their leader, their Alpha.
After all, they should be. He made them this.
Carlisia’s heart beat quickened as soon as the seat beside her got occupied with the extremely scary man.
Taking a deep breath she grabs her pencil, biting the end of it as she tried to concentrate at problem her teacher was solving but failed drastically.
Soon the teacher seated on his desk after writing a few problems. Carlisia got to work but on the third one she got stuck, horribly.
She could hear the scraping of the chair beside her as the man tattooed and pierced Gabriel Kane moved closer to her.
“You’re doing the problem wrong.” He says.
His voice comes out husky because of the sparks he was feeling on the surface of his skin because of the closeness. He fisted his hand to refrain himself from placing them on her knee.
He was going crazy and she didn’t even know that.
“Sorry?” She whispers in her regular sweet and soft voice, not hearing what he said.
“You’re doing it wrong.” He says ands she looks back at the problem. Her face scrunched up in concentration.
He smiles at her and reached for the pencil in her hand. His hand made contact with her soft skin and for a moment his eyes flickered, as his wolf tried to take over but he maintained control.
He lightly encircled the step where she had made the mistake.
“Look here. You placed the positive sign instead of negative.” He says and she looks at the line confused for a moment before smiling.
“I get it. Thank you.” She says smiling at him grabbing the pencil which he returned and starts solving the problem.
Gabriel didn’t bother to move back, taking this excuse to be near her. He smiled at her briefly before he looked over at the class one more time. He looked at his left and saw a guy looking at him shocked.
This was the first time he or anyone for that matter might have seen him smile or show any sort of kindness. Gabriel glared at the boy who quickly turned his head minding his own business, still shocked.
Gabriel continues to look at Carlisia oblivious of the looks he was getting not only from the students but also the teacher.
 Carlisia felt uncomfortable as she felt eyes on her while doing her work.  Finally the door bell rings.
She sighs with relief and quickly grabs her books looking at David, at the other corner of the room smiling at him, oblivious of the fact that Gabriel was looking at her, venom filling his heart as his eyes travelled to the person Carlisia was smiling at.
Gabriel’s eyes turned yellow as he gave his control to his wolf.
Just as Carlisia was about to get up he grabbed her arm and sat her back on the seat roughly, while making his way to David. A few students remained in the class, packing their stuff but stopped abruptly as they saw the scene in front of them including the teacher.
They watched as their Alpha made way to the boy, rage filling him up.
“A-alpha are you-”  The teacher begins to say but he is cut off because,
As soon as Gabriel is near David,
He threw his arm back before bringing his fist with force, jamming into the boy’s jaw.
The teacher quickly rushes to aid the boy while his Alpha threw punch after punch at the boy, who tried to block him.
Carlisia hands made their way to her mouth as she saw the scene in front of her.
A crowd had gathered in the class while the teacher tried to stop the huge Alpha, but he was pushed back, falling into the crowd of children.
After a good four five minutes, Gabriel was finally done and looked at the bloody and bruised boy, who was already healing.
“Stay the hell away from my mate.” He says through gritted teeth and gasps erupted from the crowd.
Gabriel glared at the entire crowd and then shouted,
“That goes for all of you. Anyone of you defy me and i will kill you. NOW GO MIND YOUR FUCKING BUSINESS!” he says and everyone shakes a bit from the force in his voice. Everyone get out of his way as he walks out of the circle and stands in front of Carlisia who was shaking like there was an earthquake. Gabriel makes eye contact with Carlisia, who was scared out of her skin from him.
Just as he is about to reach for her she screams at the top of her lungs before running out of the class, leaving her stuff there for Gabriel to stare at.

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