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Carlisia’s head was aching as she slowly opened her eyes and looked at the white ceiling.
She felt cold even though there was a blanket on top of her. It didn’t take her long to recognize the room as the one she had woken up earlier. She didn’t remember how or when she had gotten here. The last thing she remembered was Alex’s headless body. It was disgusting sight making her want to puke all over.
Everything felt fuzzy as Carlisia tried to move her hand so she could rub her eyes but realization soon hit her that they were shackled to the bed post. There was a blood drip attached to one of her hands but the blood looked black and sluggish making her wonder if that was blood at all, maybe it was poison but she would have never woken up if that was the case.
Carlisia wanted to scream for help but her throat was dry. To think of it, she didn’t remember the last time she ate anything.
She needed to get out here. She just needed to.
But how? Even her movements were restrained. How could she pull of such a big stunt knowing the consequences of getting caught? However one thing was for sure, shoe could not be a sitting duck and let them kill her.
She wasn’t going to let this happen.
Carlisia turned her head towards the window and wasn’t pleased to see the grey clouds covering the sun. She could use some warmth and some daylight would have been a great guidance.
Carlisia was brought back from her thoughts as soon as she heard footsteps. The steps began to get louder and louder until they stopped right outside her room and she could hear her room unlocking.
Carlisia looked at the person and saw it was the familiar white haired guy.
“You know love, I would have felt quite sorry for you if your mate wasn’t a bastard.” The guy says as he approaches her and Carlisia doesn’t reply even though she wanted to say that it wasn’t her fault that fate paired her with Gabriel.
“Oh, I see you’re ignoring me. But let me tell you that you might like my company. Silence when paired with loneliness can be quite….  Nerve racking.” He says and Carlisia still doesn’t reply.The guy leans while putting the key into locks that chained her hands to the bed post.
With a swish of his hand the chains unlocked and Carlisia sighed in relief as he removed them from her hands and threw them across the room while going to the stand which had the drip.
He grabs her hand to which the tube of the drip was attached,
“This might hurt a bit.” He said and before Carlisia could say another word he ripped the tube out of her hand causing Carlisia to take in a sharp breath.
That was painful.
Carlisia looked at him as he grabbed the band aid and placed it on top of the puncture. Maybe making a friend could help her get out of here. Perhaps he could be that friend.
“T-thankyou.” Carlisia said and the guy looked at her.
“Finally decided to talk huh?” He said not looking at her as he grabbed a bunch of clothing and placed them on the bed.
“I-I don’t l-like to talk much.” Carlisia replied not wanting to give him the wrong impression.
“I noticed. Now, get up and get dressed. Master will be here in a few minutes to have a word with you.” The guy said and Carlisia just nodded and looked at as the person began to make his way to the door.
“W-wait! What’s y-your name?” Carlisia asked and he smiled.
“Curious aren’t we. Well its Alessandro, love.” He said and left, locking the door not waiting for a reply.
Carlisia looked at the door then shakily whispered,
She decided to take her time as she got up. He arms were painfully stiff as she moved them to her sides and tried to push herself up but her hands wouldn’t take her weight.
This happened for a few moments until Carlisia finally got the strength and stood up grabbing the clothes, which consisted of a pair of black cardigan, a floral dress and a pair of flats.
The outfit looked new and familiar from when she took Annabella shopping.
She felt disgusted as she looked at the outfit again. There could be many reasons for which they could want her dolled up for.
Hot tears began to burn Carlisia’s eyes as she grabbed the stuff and made her way to the bathroom.
She didn’t have a choice. It was either this or some boy changing her into these clothes forcefully and she wasn’t going to let that happen.
Carlisia quickly went to the washroom and quickly striped from her sticky bloody clothes.
She looked at herself at the mirror and was shocked at her reflection. She didn’t have single bruise or a cut but she remembered the pain, she remembered the blood.
Even her clothes were stained in blood.
She shook her head and quickly hopped into the shower, she didn’t want anyone walking in on her.
She got cleaned up, taking her time and in fifteen minutes was dressed in the given clothes.
Her hair were wet and she was shivering from cold because she had left the cardigan on the bed, as she folded her dirty clothes in the bathroom and placed them on the counter.
She opened the door to the bathroom and stepped into the room but screamed as soon as she saw Carson on the bed.
“I was tempted to enter the bathroom. Took you quite some time.” He said and Carlisia didn’t say a word when she remembered how last time went when she didn’t answer him.
“I-I’m sorry.” She whispered and Carson smirked.
She learned her lesson then.
Carlisia didn’t dare look at him. To say she was scared was an understatement, she was utterly petrified. He was bipolar, unpredictable and a killer.
“My blood did you good I see. You’ve healed completely.” He said.
So that’s why she had no bruises, however she couldn’t reply because she didn’t have any way to keep up the conversation.
She began to shiver again as cold air nipped at her skin from the open window. She could feel eyes on her and sneaked a peek at Carson who had gotten up and making his way to her.
Carlisia felt uncomfortable and scared as Carson approached her. She wanted to runaway and hide but he was faster.
“Do you like the dress? I chose it myself.” He said and Carlisia nodded.
“Y-yes. I-it’s very p-pretty. Thank you.” She whispered and continued to look down.
She was going to get sick if she didn’t grab that Cardigan soon.
“You’re very welcome.” Carson said and grabbed her chin, forcing her to look at him.
“Why are you shaking so much?” He asked and Carlisia could feel his touch burning her.
Why was he being so creepy and touchy all of a sudden? She’d rather him keep her distance.
“I-I’m feeling r-really cold. D-do you m-mind if I….” She whispered pointing towards the Cardigan and Carson let her go.
“Of course, love.” He said and Carlisia quickly staggered to it and draped it on.
She buttoned the cardigan till the top so that she didn’t reveal much skin while Carson just looked at her with an unreadable expression.
She quickly slipped on the flats when Carson broke the silence,
“Come here.” He said and Carlisia took a deep breath.
She didn’t want to be near him but she had no choice. She slowly walked towards Carson and stood two feet away from him.
When she didn’t move any more, Carson grabbed her by the waist and pulled her towards him.
He grabbed her cardigan and started unbuttoning it, showing the dress underneath; luckily he didn’t take it off.
“You look better like that.” He said and Carlisia didn’t say anything as he continued to stare at her.
Carlisia was getting scared by the minute.
She had a bad feeling in her stomach. A very bad feeling.
“Come on.” He said somewhat gently and grabbed her hand, while his other hand unlocked the door.
Carlisia wanted to get her hand out of his hold but she didn’t dare.
They walked down the stairs and turned many hallways. Carlisia took no interest in her surroundings as she was completely lost. She couldn’t get back to the room if she ventured these halls even a hundred times. They were just that much confusing.
Soon Carson stopped in huge Victorian style dining room, with a chandelier and all the medieval details. The dining table was a twenty seater, which made Carlisia wonder why there would be need of so many chairs when there wasn’t anyone here.
The house or whatever this place is was huge but there weren’t any people she had seen her beside Alessandro, Alex or Carson.
Thinking that twenty people might live here seemed acceptable but then where were they?
Carlisia was brought out of her thoughts when Carson pulled her hand and settled her in the chair beside the head of the table, where he sat minutes later.
“You seem quite distracted. Anything I need to know about?” Carson asked and Carlisia shook her head.
Carlisia shook her head and looked down.
“N-no.” She whispered.
Carson hummed while looking at her.
“You know Carlisia, you are very beautiful.” He said and Carlisia tilted her head just enough to look the predatory look in his eyes.
She felt a chill run down her spine luckily she was saved when a loud knock was heard on the doors Carson had closed before taking his seat.
“Enter.” Carson said in a stern voice and an old lady came in reeling a tray much bigger than herself. Her back was bent forward and her skin was wrinkly. She was a bony figure but what stood out most were her eyes. She had huge vertical gashes on both of her eyes down to her cheeks, which made her completely blind.
But the lady’s actions told otherwise. Her steps so strong as if she knew where to walk, just like a normal person.
Carlisia felt extremely creeped out by the lady.
“My lord.” The lady said in an eerie voice making the hairs at the back of Carlisia’s neck stand up as she bowed towards Carson and then grabbed two plates that were covered with metal domes like in posh restaurants. She was starving and food would be comfort right now but there was no assurance that the food wouldn’t be poisoned, or drugged.
She removed the domes of the plates to reveal steaming hot food.
 The only difference between both of their food was that her steak was well cooked and his was raw, even with a bit of blood.
“Leave.” Carson said and the lady turned her head toward Carlisia and bowed towards her causing Carlisia to shake even then Carlisia looked back at her.
“Thankyou.” She whispered to her softly and the lady turned towards Carlisia and grabbed her hand, kissing the top of it.
“I said LEAVE!” Carson said loudly. His voice booms and the lady quickly staggered out of the dining room closing the door shut behind her.
Carson took a deep breath and grabbed his fork and knife, expertly slicing a piece of bloody and raw meat before putting it in his mouth and slowly chewing it.
Carlisia lost her appetite as she heard him eat the disgusting thing. She wanted to puke her guts out.
Carlisia didn’t as much as even touch her food and continued to look at her lap.
“Carlisia, darling look at me.” Carson said but Carlisia didn’t move.
Carson reached and grabbed her chin tilting it towards him and Carlisia noticed he looked paler than before and scarier too.
“You haven’t touched you food love. Is anything the matter?” Carson asked and Carlisia shook her head.
“I-I’m not hungry.” She whispered and Carson sighed.
“That couldn’t possibly be it. You haven’t eaten for some time now. I don’t want you starving yourself.” Carson said but when Carlisia still didn’t grab her fork, he wasn’t too happy about it.
He abruptly got up from his seat and came behind Carlisia’s chair so that his face was in the crook of her neck and one of his hands was holding both of her wrists tightly.
His other hand grabbed the fork and stabbed a piece of potatoes, bringing them to her mouth.
“Come on, open up. If you’re not going to eat your food yourself, I have no problem feeding you.” Carson said and Carlisia struggled in his grip.
“Please-” Carlisia began to say but Carson cut her off.
“You know darling. I can do this all day but I do get bored quite easily. There are many other ways for me to open your mouth.” He whispered in her ear and Carlisia felt his sharp fangs brush her neck where he planted a soft kiss and Carlisia’s eyes filled with tears.
“Please, I’ll eat the food myself. Just get away.” Carlisia said and Carson let her go completely.
Carlisia took a deep breath of relief and grabbed the fork slowly chewing at the food while Carson stared at the girl with a longing look as he went back to his seat.
He didn’t want to hurt her. He didn’t even want the beautiful girl he had suddenly taken a strong liking to, to be scared of him. He wanted her to soften to him and then maybe she could realize he was better than Gabriel.
She just might stay with him.
What could be a better torture to Gabriel than that?

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