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Carlisia looked at the blood stained dress. Just By looking at it she began to feel nauseous and the next thing she knows she had thrown the dress back into her closet before rushing to the bathroom. Puking her guts out and maybe something more too.
It was freaky how she remembered every single detail of that blood stained dress from her dream. Maybe she was a freak? A freak who had hallucinated everything because she wasn’t in her right mind.
But she was sure of one thing. Even freaks couldn’t hallucinate something with so much accuracy and evidence.
Flushing the toilet, Carlisia got up and went back to her bed. Snuggling comfortably into the covers.
Now Carlisia’s mind was whipping up all different types of possibilities. Her mind drifted to her second day here, when she had woke up in that bloody dressed after falling down the stairs ( as everyone claimed) . But to think of it, how come someone can slip down a flight of stairs and break both of their wrists and bang their head without having any wounds on their ribs from multiple impacts?
The dream or whatever that vision was explained everything she couldn’t remember on the second day she had waked up in this house all bruised up.
There were mysteries and secrets everywhere. She was confirmed for a fact that she was being left out and lied to by everyone. No one ever gave her a straight answer and to think of it, she had only been here for about three days.
Her mind drifted off to Ruben and the vicious bruises he was sporting just this morning and when Carlisia had confronted him about them he hadn’t denied them but yet again given her an explanation either.
Yet she trusted him and Elijah even then, because it was just like her.
Trust anyone and everyone who was nice to her, give hundred chances and then get crumbled up and thrown away the very next day. It had been just like that with all those people back in Sydney who she used to small talk with at school. The only one that stayed was Zane and of course her Uncle. Not even her dad, because he had left her.
But even when she tried to be angry with him she just couldn’t. Because her dad was her dad.
 He was an exception to everything.
But maybe she could asks her mother about this and she can tell her? Maybe she might open up?
 Carlisia’s terrain of thoughts was interrupted by her mother coming to her room with a cup in hand.
“Here you go darling.” Her mother said, handing the cup to Carlisia who sat upright grabbing it.
She muttered a thank you to her mother who swatted her hand as if it was no big deal.
“So how are you feeling?” Her mother asks her and she replies truthfully,
“Perks of being sick.” Her mother says getting up.
“Hey mom?”
“Can I ask you something and you promise to reply truthfully.” Carlisia asks her mother who looks at her confused to where this conversation was going.
“Of course.” Her mother replies.
“I know I didn’t fell from the stairs the other day.” Carlisia says, bluffing and watches as her mother tenses up. Carlisia was completely clueless. But she wanted to know the truth and she knew for a fact that it had something to do with that dream.
“I’m sorry darling but I don’t see what the point is?” Her mother says after a few minutes but Carlisia could sense her unease and the cold sweat dripping from her forehead.
“I know what happened to me. I just want you to say it, confirm it. I don’t want to be lied to anymore.” Carlisia replies desperately.
“Darling I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Her mother says.
“Stop lying to me.” Carlisia replies hurt but she was finally getting the idea that her vision was true and there was one way to confirm it.
“I know that a guy came to the house that night and you wanted to introduce me and things went out of control and he hurt me while you watched.” Carlisia replies and looked at her mother’s shocked expression.
 “Just let it go Carlisia.” Her mother says, she was scared and giddy and jumpy. All at the same time but she continued on.
“Mom, I know who the person is and I am not going to say anything to him or anyone, I swear but I deserve an explanation.” She says and her mother shakes her head,
“There is nothing to explain. You are sick and you are hallucinating things. Just go back to sleep. You have been here only for three days and I can understand you must be homesick. Completely legitimate. Just rest so these absurd thoughts leave your mind.”
She begins but is cut off by her cell phone ringing. She looks at her mother who looked relieved and quickly got up.
“That must be your uncle. You should take it.” She says before leaving the room, closing the door shut.
Carlisia stares at the closed door before grabbing the cell phone. She takes a deep breath not wanting to give away anything to her uncle.
“Hello?” She asks.
“Oh God Carly! How are you? I was worried sick when Maria called. Don’t worry I have already sent Dr. Desmond and he would be there to check up on you in a few.” Uncle Jim’s worried voice frantically says and Carlisia chuckles.
“I’m fine now. Seriously. It’s just a bit of a fever. There’s no need for Dr Desmond.” Carlisia replies.
Dr. Desmond was her miracle doctor since she was a baby. He was the only person that she went to when she got hurt or sick when she was young because he used to give her chocolates. As the years went by she got accustomed to him and refused any other doctor. Besides, he still gave her chocolates.
“Fine. But I’m coming to check up on you next week, alright? I’ll bring your car with.” He says and Carlisia smiles.
“Sure. I can’t wait.” She replies.
“Okay darling. Call you later and get plenty of rest.” Her uncle says before cutting the call and Carlisia looks at the cell phone placing it back.
In seconds her mind drifted back to her mother, whose expressions practically confirmed that what she said was true.
But what she implied was that the inhabitants of this place weren’t human and her mother had agreed to it. Technically her reaction had.
They weren’t human. That was for sure. But then what were they?
All the facts seemed fiction to her.

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