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After telling ty everything she busted out laughing

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After telling ty everything she busted out laughing

"This nigga really wanna die" she said before jumping on top of me and punching me

I flipped us over making me on top of her and her arms pinned to the couch

"You one dumb ass nigga" she said "I would spit on you but I was raised better then that"

"Ty I told you everything and that I was sorry why can't we move pass it" I said and she then kneed me in my stomach causing me to let her go

"You missed our baby's appointment for that shit. I fucking hate you dog like tf I do wrong. Was it because I was talking to Kevin again. I mean we only talked when people were around. And no I don't think I can move pass it cause you was in a whole relationship outside of this one bitch" she said walking back in the room

I went down stairs and saw Aaron drinking

He passed me the bottle and I drunk it as he grabbed another one

"We fucked up and we might lose our girls" Aaron said looking at the wall

"I let the fam get to my head. I'm not even that famous. I should've left when Mat left. I shouldn't have got the drink from the girl and I shouldn't have even went out" he continued on

He then looked at me and I saw tears "I can't lose her man. She my everything. When my parents kicked me out she snuck me in at night so I can sleep in a bed. She helped me get a job and make money to buy things. She the one that gave me the idea for this rap shit and i fucked it up" he was now crying "I love her and I didn't mean to do it" he started drinking from the bottle

"Shit I shouldn't have went to that party. I should've came home to her. I was being dumb and stupid. I shouldn't have took the drink for Lauren. I should've told ty from the jump what happened" I drunk from my bottle "I shouldn't have missed my kids appointment over a girl that was blackmailing me. I fucking hate myself"

Aaron looked at me "how many times did you sleep with her"

"Twice the night of the club and when I woke up the next morning but I don't even remember it happening" I said drinking more "Imma dumbass imma dumbass" I said drinking more


My ass done got hungry right and ty was like "go downstairs don't eat my snack"

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My ass done got hungry right and ty was like "go downstairs don't eat my snack"

I get going down stairs and I see these cheating ass nigga crying I just had to laugh

"Y'all niggas stupid" I said laughing harder as I went into the kitchen

"You don't understand little nigga" aaron said

"You right I don't understand cause I've been a relationship with a girl I honestly love and I've never cheated on her. I'm not a cheater so you right nigga I don't understand but I do know that y'all nigga can't just cry like Myah and ty gonna come crawling back cause that not them" I said grabbing Oreos and sitting on the counter

"And drinking not gonna do nothing but make it a bigger problem cause then y'all gonna be alcoholics" I looked at them "they don't trust y'all asses and y'all gotta rebuild a new trust"

"How you know this" the fuck nigga asked me

"Cause Ik my sisters. They not as bad as Kay and jazz. Now them they will cut you and beat you worse then what happened to y'all" I said laughing thinking about it "but anyways y'all gotta make promises that y'all won't break and y'all can't go sleeping around. Knowing them they gonna do shit to lead you on then leave y'all wit blue mfn balls"

"Mmtch they won't let us in the room" Aaron said

"Naw See you Aaron Myah just waiting for you to come and talk to her cause she not gonna talk to you. They want y'all to own up to wtf y'all did and I'm not even mad at them cause what y'all did was fucked up" I looked at them and took they bottles

"Y'all can't drink no more either cause we don't need that." I said

"Imma give you a heads up Deshawn your stuff gonna be in the hall tomorrow" I said laughing grabbing a juice box and some chips

I went back up stairs

"Where my snack Dre" ty asks and I saw Myah in my spot

"Myah get you ugly ass out my spot and ty you never asked me to bring you a snack" I said

"Fuck you cause Myah brought me a snack so she can stay right here" ty said and Myah smirked

I flicked her off before laying on the end of the bed


How y'all feel bout Dre's POV?

When y'all birthday? Mine 9/21

Imma start asking questions at the end of chapters

846 words

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