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It was the middle of the night and Destiny had started crying

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It was the middle of the night and Destiny had started crying.

I didn't know what to do I rocked her and she cried louder

I called my mom

Me-mom I need help

Ma dukes❤️❤️- boy it's too damn late for this and who's crying

Me-Ma ty came back and that's my daughter crying and I don't know what to do

Ma dukes❤️❤️-Ok Shawn calm down check her diaper

I did that and it was full

Me-It's full ma

Ma dukes❤️❤️-Ok so do you know how to change her


Ma dukes❤️❤️-So change her

I changed her but she was still crying

Me-I did ma know what

Ma dukes❤️❤️-Maybe she's hungry then do you have any milk

I looked in her bag and didn't see any

Me-Ma there isn't any

Ma dukes❤️❤️-Ok call ty and ask if she was breastfeeding her

With that she hung up and I called ty. She answered on the last ring


Me-Ty are you breastfeeding Destiny I think she hungry and I already changed her

Taylor-I am but I have bottles with me I'm coming down now

She hung up and then after a minute there was a knock

She walked in rubbing her eye

"I wanna do it" I said grabbing the bottle and feeding her

I sat in the bed and patted down so ty could sit beside me.

"After the milk she should fall asleep" ty said

I looked at her and she had some shorts in and a sports bra on.

"Can you stay in her just incase she wakes up again" I said

"Umm sure" she said getting up and laying on the couch

I looked down at Destiny to see she had fallen asleep and I put the bottle down and placed her back in the crib

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