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2 months later(Deshawns birthday is in 3 weeks)


Within these 3 months me and Ty's relationship was on track

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Within these 3 months me and Ty's relationship was on track. We wasn't officially going out but we was close

Destiny and King was getting bigger and was running now. Idk why but that's they new favorite thing

The dna test came back saying Lucas was mine so I have him every other week. Him and Destiny like best friends when king isn't around but when he is Lucas just looks at them

We left manny go last week and we haven't heard from him since. We never to Ty's dad cause Then that nigga would've been dead

Chris ty and Dre mad at Marcus cause he got another kid but Karin loves that nigga too much

College for all of us has been good. Nicole and her YouTube shit was going good and ty started doing it again which was a pain cause she act like the only videos she could do is pranks and shit with Nicole

Also me and ty moved back into the room up stairs and Destiny and Lucas share the connected room Nicole moved into my old room

Ty and Lauren never get alone and I don't blame her cause Lauren stay in me and ty business

It was know night and ty was in the shower while I was trying to put Lucas and Destiny to sleep

"Da da nooo" Destiny screamed out as I put here in her crib.

I bought Lucas a bed but I really shouldn't have cause he stay trynna sleep with me and ty

Lucas got up and came to be and tapped my leg

I picked him up and he kissed Destiny's cheek and then pulled back

Destiny sat down and finally started to go to sleep

I took Lucas back to his bed. He looked at me "I sorry" he said

I sat on the ground in front of his bed "for what man man"

Nicole and jazz started calling him that and it just stuck

"Mommy" he said and I was trying not to laugh

Lauren be acting was acting like a little ass kid last time she was over here

"It ok. Just go to sleep for me. Tomorrow Friday and we gonna have fun"

He smiled before getting out the bed and running to ty who was in the door way

She picked him up and he kissed her and hugged her "thank you" he said before wiggling to get down

Ty put him down and he ran to his bed and laying down "night night dad"

I smiled that was the first time me called me that. He would be like sir but now it's different

I went back into the room and ty was laying down watching baby boy

"Bro ong this my movie" she said looking at me

She grabbed my face then kissed me before grabbed my phone

I got in the bed "your baby moms keep texting you it might be important" she said handing me my phone

Lucas mom

Lucas mom

Lucas mom
Lucas's birthday is in 2 weeks

Lucas mom
Can he stay with you for next week too

Lucas mom
Imma take that as a yes

Why can't you be with him it's your week

Lucas mom
Why is it a problem to watch your own son

Why is it a problem for you to be with your son. Lauren I'm not doing this again. As much as I love Lucas he still his your son

Tell me why you want me to keep him for another week

Lucas mom
I'm stressed right now

You just better be here for his birthday Lauren and I mean it

Lucas mom
I'm not gonna miss it tell him I love him

He already sleep call me tomorrow and start calling me before 9

Lucas mom
When I have him he don't got to sleep until 11

But he with me and he go to sleep at 9 on the dot

"She stay blowing the shit out of me" I said laying back

"What's wrong" she asked looking at me

"She wants me to keep Lucas for another week" I said

"I mean it's no problem but still" I said

"I can't comment on this but maybe you should sit down and talk to her bout everything" she said

I kissed her. "Good night" she said laying down and closing her eyes

768 words

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