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I woke up by my mother yelling. I don't remember most of last night but overall I know most

"GET TF AWAY FROM MY HOUSE" my mama yelled and I made my way to the door

"Mama who this" I said rubbing my eyes

There was a man in the door

"This is your dead beat ass father that NEEDS TO GET AWAY FROM MY FUCKING HOUSE" my mom yelled

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"This is your dead beat ass father that NEEDS TO GET AWAY FROM MY FUCKING HOUSE" my mom yelled

"I just wanna see my kids" he said

"You 19 years too mfn late" my mom yelled before pulling out a gun "don't come back"

He put his hands up before walking to the car "I hope we can talk another time" then pulled off

"That's the nigga that helped make me" I said looking down at my mom

"Yea" she walked away from the door and sat on the couch

I closed and locked the door and sat beside her


"Go check you phone it be going off since you got here" my mom said

I grabbed my phone

Shawn where you at

Nigga your brother going crazy

Your baby momma went MIA

Shawn we can't find ty and if you don't get you big ass over here we coming to your momma house to get you

Shawn Ik you in your feelings do shit out ty gone and she went MIA shit

Kay in the hospital Shawn we need you to get down here she passed out due to stress

With that I grabbed my keys and left without saying anything to my mama

I got to the hospital and asked for Kayla's room

I went in and saw everyone in there.

"I'm so fucking tired of this shit. I don't understand why she gotta be like this and I swear if she not back at the house we gonna track her down and beat her ass" Kay said trying to stand up before ken pushed her back down

"You need to calm down cause now my kid in danger" he said



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I was at manny's house. I didn't want to be at home anymore. Nobody knew where I was

Fuck them if they wanna take Deshawn's side they could. Fuck Deshawn and everyone in that fucking house.

"You good" manny asked.

"Yea I'm perfectly fine I just want to get away from here. Move somewhere else" I said

"Naw cause you need to go back to your family as much as you hate Shawn right now you still love him and  his is the father of the baby" manny said standing up and handing me the my phone

"No manny I not going back. You could either be with me though this or let me go alone" I said to him

"We going together" he said before grabbing clothes and putting it in the bag

I already had my bags ready. I'll come back in a year or so. "We gotta leave our phones here and we gotta take your car. If not they gonna track us down"

"Ty I honestly don't think this is a good idea" he said

"No manny if you not coming I'll leave by my self"

At this moment I knew that everything that has happened everyone has changed

551 words

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