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I was stuck in the house with these annoying ass hoes and 4 hyperactive ass kids

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I was stuck in the house with these annoying ass hoes and 4 hyperactive ass kids

The boys went to the trap with Lauren brothers so they can find manny

Ty and her ADHD ain't making nothing better plus I'm hungry ass hell and nobody wanna be kind and get me some

"Sissssterrrrr" Jay Jay bad ass was screaming which made Lucas scream "mammmmmmaaaaa" and king and destiny to start clapping and making noises

"If y'all bad asses don't shut the fuck up imma but y'all asses out side" I yelled at them

They all looked at me and stopped

"Babbbbyyyy mammmmmaa" I heard jazz and Ryan yell

"Unless y'all got me food don't talk to me" I told them and jazz put a bag on my lap and it smelt bomb

"Thank you sexy" I told her starting to eat my food

"Myah do you love me cause I don't be feeling like you do" ty said laying beside me

"I love you stinka" I told her

"Do you love me" Kayla sat down smiling

"No bitch" I looked at her and she took my food out my hand

"Now imma ask again do you love me" she said

"Yes bestie I love you can I get my food back now" and with that she handed me my food

"Marco told me y'all was going on tour wit them when the manny shit is dealt wit are y'all going" ty said to me and jazz

"Yea" we said and I continued to each my food

"Noooo" ty said and pretend to cry making Lucas turn around and come and hug ty

"No cry mama" he said

"She not crying man man she just crazy and have mood swings with her bipolar ass" Kayla said

"Yea I'm good man man go back and play" she told him and he went back over to jay jay

"Ryan can you bring me a paper towel" I asked as I put the empty container on the table

"Damn" ty said and I mugged her

"I bet you was like this when you was pregnant too so don't even start" i said

"I was so what" ty said then she got up as Ryan handed me a paper towel

"Y'all where is that girl Marco was fucking" she asked

"I don't know nor do I care" Kayla said picking king up and put him in her lap

"Y'all ever wonder what be going on in niggas minds" ty said sitting on the floor

"Yea. Like Ron be doing the weirdest things and I don't even be knowing why" I said

"Naw like I be think why the hella this nigga wit me. Like I was that loud girl wit ADHD, anger problems and bipolar disorder. And he was quiet and shy." Ty said looking at the fan above us

"I be thinking that too. Kenny was chill and cool. Didn't really talk and always sat in the back of the class. I was that girl that would fight and at the time the one that got her ass beat my a nigga who didn't give a damn bout her" Kayla said

"Same. I be wonder if ty didn't invite me to the movies would I have went wit Chris. Damn to everyone I was a damn nerd that would hide under a hoodie and sweat pants everyday and Chris wasnt even on my mind. He was popular" Ryan went

"Like why did Matt come get my number. What about me made him run out the door to talk to me. Like out of all my sisters and the other girls that be wanting him why did he pick me" jazz said

"I've been thinking that since freshman year. Like what made him come over and talk to us. What made him want to talk to me. But then I also think what made him cheat. Like Ik we human and we make mistakes but like what made him do it. Ik this was way back but I still get scared he gonna do it again. Like that thought that was in his brain that night is gonna resurface one day" I looked down

"I think that wit Shawn too. He lied to me for 2 months straight. He stayed away from me made me feel like shit. I get scared cause there are other sides of Shawn Ik I haven't seen before. But it be like that wit me too. I be scared that one day imma turn into something I shouldn't. When I went away it was a voice in my head telling me to leave and never come back. To run away from the shit that wasn't feeling right. I thought against it for so long but it ended up winning"

"Remember when I ran away when I was little. Even though I only ran to you house it was the same voice that was fucking wit my mind. The voice was telling me to run away. But then I won and just went to your house" she looked me in the eyes

"I think something is really wrong wit me. Like I'm mental or something and I get scared that it's gonna be pasted down to Destiny." Ty cried

She cried softly. We got up and went to her and hugged her

"I think me not really grieving over my mom is the man thing. When my mom died I cried. But after the funeral I never cried, talked about it or even thought about it. But there would be times where I wanted to cry but I couldn't and something was stopping me. I miss her Myah I really miss her" ty cried leaning into my chest

I started crying myself

"Let it all out ty. It's time. Holding ever thing in isn't gonna work anymore. And as much I would hate to say this but I think therapy would work" Kayla said

"I think so too." Ryan said

Ty just cried. And I cried with her. I hate seeing the people I love sad and crying.

Lucas and jay jay got up and hugged ty

"I love you mama please don't cry" Lucas hugged ty

Ty kissed his cheek

Ik said chapter. I really am ready to get this manny shit over wit so that I can get on to everyone growth.

I'm not gonna lie Andre chapters my favorite

Next chapter gonna be bout the boys and then finding and dealing wit manny but there will be surprises

I think imma do like 3 parts to that

What y'all looking for in the girls friendship

Go read my other book

1115 words

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