10 pt2

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Me and Martin went down stairs to the basement in the trap

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Me and Martin went down stairs to the basement in the trap

At the end of the day manny is still my brother so I'm not gonna have them kill them nor am I gonna release his dumb ass

Mama always told us to never hit females not matter what

We never had a father figure in our life. Our dad left when I was 1 and came back when I was 16.

He in jail now. I came out at 16 so when he came back he tried to beat the gay out of me

Manny always tried to find good in my dad but there wasn't any

Martin can into the picture when I was 10 and manny was 13. His mama was a crackhead and his dad was never present

He was outside apartment crying with blood on his leg and only had some boxers on

It was winter and there was snow everywhere

I was the one that brought him into our house and mama decided she was gonna help raise him

When we got down stairs we saw manny on the ground knots on his head

"Wtf y'all want." He yelled

"We came to see you man. How you get into the shit" Martin said

"Oo shit I forgot to tell you" I pulled out a chair and sat down "he was beating ty"

Martin looked at him with a face of disgust. He then punched manny hard in his face "you never put ur hands on a female. Would you like if a man just hit your daughter"

"Daugggghhhhhhttttteeeerrrrrr" I said in Soulja boy voice


Martin was the only one that knew I had a daughter

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Martin was the only one that knew I had a daughter

Back in high school I got this girl pregnant. Actually she was my girlfriend. Gabby is what we called her cause her parents gave her a white ass name.

I was a senior she was a junior. She gave her virginity to me and surprisingly I gave her mine too.

After that we would fuck and make love like crazy. Then rumors went around saying she was fucking other people and I went off without talking to her

She told me she was pregnant and because I wasn't thinking I said it wasn't mine

She kept calling but I wouldn't answer until Martin beat my ass and told me that that baby is mine and that Gabby never slept around on me

I went to see her and her dad made me leave

I was there when she gave birth to Jordan. She looked just like me

I started drug dealing after school to get the money but I never told my mama my brother nobody knew

Once I graduated I became a full time drug dealer and kept gabby and Jordan on the low.

Jordan's 4 now

"Yea a daughter" Martin said

I tried to move but I couldn't the chains was holding me back


"I am nigga I work hard to get all types of shit for my family" I said

"Naw see you could've been out the game after you graduated to go to Howard and play sports there. They gave you a full ride there and you turned it down to sell drugs." Keith said going back upstairs



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I was angry with manny.

"Why you even come here" manny asked

"Manny you my whole brother. You Keith and y'all mama the only people I have. When you left I was so fucking hurt man. Gabby was calling asking for you Jordan called me too. She one smart ass 4 year old" he laughed "you made this bed now you gotta lay in it. You playing with fire and your burning everyone. Being in the drug game gonna hurt your family. Jordan hasn't seen you in about a year and a half. You better get out the game before you got everyone after you. Then not gonna kill you but If you fuck with them when they release you you gotta stop this drug shit stop hitting females and be a father to your daughter before Gabby find that new nigga"

With that I walked out. I went to find Keith sitting down smoking a blunt

"You ready" I asked him

And wit that we left

In chapter 11 Imma use the person y'all was supposed to pick so go pick if y'all haven't

770 words

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