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 We was at the trap wit manny once again sitting in the chair

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We was at the trap wit manny once again sitting in the chair

Me and the boys was here along wit our dads and they wanted to kill him

The thought that he got a daughter out here was fucking up my mind. I want her to have her father but then again he almost took me away from mine.

"Why don't y'all just kill me" manny cried

King grabbed a glock and hit him with it

"We can't do it" I said and they all looked at me

"Nigga what" Ron let out

"We can't do it" I looked at Martin

"Why not? This nigga fucking beat ty and almost killed you nigga and you wanna spare his life" Matt said

"He gotta daughter" I looked at manny "you need to let whatever tf go so you can take care of her. Cause Ik for a fuckin fact we not the only niggas after you"

"Imma tell you this" Matt's dad said "he better off dead. He like a fuckin roach in the projects. He gonna keep come back"

"Naw I know what it's like to grow up wit out my father. And so do y'all. That shit weighs on you. She not gonna the thing it's like. And her mama might become something better of fuckin worst" Marco said walking up to manny "I fucking hate you wit everything in my heart but I'm thinking about you daughter's future."

"We voting on this. Let him free put you hand up. Kill him leave it down" ty dad said

10 to free him
6 to kill him

"So what you gonna do is give you drug shit to one of them New York nigga. Then you staying your ass right here and gonna take care of you daughter. If you come at us one more time the wrong fucking way imma kill you in the worst possible way. Imma let one of the gay nigga have you. So try me" Chris and ty dad said

"I can't promise you that" Manny cried

Keith punched them wall "why tf you can't. Why do almost every nigga chose money and fuckin power over there fuckin family." He walked to manny and punched him

"You weren't raised my the fuckin streets. We lived in the projects but mama raised us. Hell she raised 3 fuckin boys on her own. You rather die then be a father to you daughter. You giving everything to the street but what did the fucking streets give you" manny stayed silent

"Right nothing. The streets got not 1 not 2 but fuckin 4 friend of our killed. We watched one die when we was fucking under 13. I held another as he died after a fuckin drive by at the park. The streets not getting you anywhere but in the end killed or in jail unless you start getting into the legal way. You had now reason selling." Keith looked manny into his eyes

A tear dropped from his face "you my fucking brother. And them right here. They giving you another chance. Try to do something wit it" Keith walked back to where he was before

Manny had tears dropping from his eyes "I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'll take it. I'll give this drug shit up and find some legal work"

"To make sure you not after us we gonna have you start in my club." Ty's dad told him

"When you leave here the first place you need to go is to you baby mama house and see her and you daughter" I told him

I untied him and he hugged me and then Keith

"Wait before we leave can I ask you something" manny said.

"What man" I said

"Are you sure Lucas is yours" he asked

"Yea the dna test came back saying I was" I told him

"From what ty said you cheated on her while she was pregnant which mean Lucas should be younger than Destiny." Manny said and then I went into deep thought

"I knew something was off" Matt and Ron said

"Well damn we some dumb niggas" Kenny said

"Imma beat her ass. But shit imma take care of him" I said

"What nigga he not yours. He not your responsibility." Marco looked at me

"I built a bond wit him. And Ik that she don't know who his father is either. It's too late. And imma still beat her ass for that" I said

"What ever" ty dad groaned pushing manny into the car

We then left

Ik Ik I haven't updated but my mother took my phone off some bullshit

But yea I'm back

How y'all feel bout the chapter

If you still in school do you have February break or if you was in school did you have that

I go to a DCPS school.

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