21-dre chapter

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It was after school and we was at the mall in the food court

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It was after school and we was at the mall in the food court

Leon and kyah started talking which made Debo mad as hell

We became cool wit Leon. He actually a funny ass person

"I'm bored tired and horny" Debo yelled

"Same negro same" Aaliyah said and I laughed

"We are 15 and 16 years of age there is no reason y'all should be saying y'all horny" niyah said making us all bust out laughing

"Wait y'all realize that we never met liyah parents" Debo said

"I have" Nevaeh told us

"Well duh nigga you her fucking best friend" niyah said and Nevaeh popped her

"We gone" Leon said talking bout him and kyah

We told they asses bye

"I scared to met her peoples" I told them

"Why though" Debo asked

"I don't even know" I told them

"My mom knows bout y'all. Like she know I got a boyfriend but my step-dad a bitch" liyah told us

"I fuck wit her real dad though he funny as shit." Veah laughed

"My real sad know bout you too but he got locked up." She put her head on my shoulder

"Why" niyah asked

"Well when my parents split my mom got full custody of me but that wasn't stopping me from seeing him. Last Wednesday he came to the house and my step dad answered. He was bitching bout why he was here."

"'I just wanna see my daughter man' that's what he said. My step dad told him to leave and he didn't so he called the cops. Which became a violation of his probation"

"You step dad sound white" Debo dumb ass said

"He black but he act like he white" liyah added

"And where was your mother" veah asked

"Work and when she came house his bitch ass didn't tell her so when I told her. They argued"

"Damn" Debo said

"Yall wanna come over" she said

"As in like met your mama over or like nobody there over cause I'm done for both" niyah said

"Depends" she got up and we all went to the car

She drove there with music blasting

When we pulled up to her house there was two cars in the drive way which told me her people was home

"Nvm wanna go to Debo place" she said trying to put the car in reverse

"No nigga we already here" Debo jumped out the car and she parked then the rest of us got out the car

"Wait so you telling me you've been here but only when her parents aren't here" veah asked

"Yep" I told them

Liyah opened the door and her mom and step dad was on the couch watching the tv

"Hey ma" she said "these my friends niyah and Debo cause you already know veah and this dre my boyfriend"

"Boyfriend" her step dad looked at her

"Yes boyfriend" her mom said getting up and coming to huge us

"She only 15" he got up

"Ok I'm fully aware of how old my daughter is" she said "y'all want something to eat"

"No thank you ma'am we just ate at the mall" I said and Veah bust out laughing

"Nigga never talk like this mama" she said and liyah mom laughed

"Call me Janet or mama it don't matter" she looked over "that's hunter"

"She too young for that nigga to be her boyfriend." He said.

"I'm 15 myself" I told him

"She still too young. I refuse for my daughter to be out here dating and then come back pregnant. My daughter will not be no fast ass little girl" he said I looked at liyah

"See man. Liyah not even that. She not gonna come home pregnant anytime soon cause 1 we both virgins and 2 having sex isn't even on our mind"

Sometimes you gotta lie. Sex was on her mind but not mine

"And I'm not your fucking daughter bitch" liyah added then looked at her mom "your not gonna say anything"

Her mom looked at hunter then liyah "can we calm down. Damn her friends are here"

"I fucking hate you. Wish my dad would beat your ass already" liyah mumbled

"Well we're gonna get going liyah can you drop us off" Debo said holding a laugh

She grabbed her keys and walked out the house

We said our bye to her mom and left

We got in the car and liyah started driving

The ride was silent other then Debo playing music

We dropped everyone off then she pulled up to my house

She looked into space

I made her look me in my eyes

She had tears in her eyes. As the tears began to fall I kissed her

"Fuck that nigga liyah. Fuck him. Don't let those words get to your head." I told her

"Ok" she whispered

"Spend the night"

"I can't" she said

"Tell your mom you and veah place" I told her

"No dre" she said

I took the key out the thingy. Then opened the door. I went to her side and picked her up taking her out the car.

"Your staying here"

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