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       A/N {I'm well aware that this story will be really bad but I finally got some sort of inspiration to write a story. I would do shout-outs to my friend who helped me come up with the other characters that aren't Ash, but they don't exactly have an account on here. But they said they'll read it so "Thank You." I'm not putting their name and/or gender because I don't know if they're ok with those things on here. Anyways, enjoy the story, if that's even possible}

      To those of you reading this right now that aren't a vampire, werewolf, merfolk, or any other type of hybrid, consider yourself lucky that you're a human. Not many have the luxury of having a chance at being normal and not some freak that people only believe are from fairytales.

I've met many humans that wish that they were a hybrid of some sort, saying that it would be so much fun. Well sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but it's not all that it's cut out to be. I mean, yeah it can be fun or helpful at times, but it's mostly just a curse.

A lot of you are probably wondering who I am right? Well I'll tell you. The name's Ash. Ash Alvarez. If people want to annoy me then they call me Ashy. And no, Ash isn't just a boy's name, it's a girl's name too, and I'm a girl. I'm about 5'4", a fifteen year old latina, I have green eyes that always change with a small bit of blue so you can't really tell what color they are, almost like an ocean I guess, my hair is raven black with red tips, and goes down about right under my shoulders. My hair also has a beach wave look to it. Oh, and I forgot to mention. I'm a werewolf. My ears and tail are the same black as my hair and they also have red tips to them.

I've got some friends. By some I mean about four good ones that I can actually trust. My first friend, and best friend, is Eva Rose. She's fifteen like me, the daughter of a fairy and a mermaid so she's pretty special considering she now has three forms. She's the peaceful one of the group and is always trying to get mermaids and fairies to get along. She has black hair that's almost as dark as mine, red eyes that always show her emotions, slightly pale skin, and she's about four inches shorter than me.

My second friend actually happens to be Xander Wilson, Eva's boyfriend. He's the only one in the group that's sixteen. He himself is a merman with light-ish brown hair, golden eyes, and is 5'6". He's pretty much just as peaceful as Eva is but is very protective of his friends. I think Eva's had too much of an influence on him.

My last two friends are Dara Noam and Calix Alvaro. Dara's fifteen. Let me tell you one thing, all those fairy tales saying that all vampires burn in sunlight are wrong. While there are very few that do burn, almost all vampires don't. Dara is one of the many vampires that don't. He has purple hair that matches perfectly with his purple eyes. Not many vampires have pointed ears as fairies do but some have them. Dara does. Because of this he always has some sort of hood on when it comes to being in the public eye. He's just as short as Eva is, with a height of 5'2". He's just somewhat taller then Eva.

Calix is Dara's boyfriend. Unlike the rest of us, Calix is just a normal, human being. That's right. This fourteen year old is the only human in the group. His hair is completely white, almost like you're looking right at snow. He has blue eyes that are always adjusting from light to dark depending on the lighting. His skin is a light-brown and he's 5'5".

       Not one human in the outside world knows that beings like us exist amongst them. They all think that creatures like us are only from fairy tales. That is with the exception of the humans that have a hybrid in their family that told them of being a hybrid, or the government. Yup, they know about us. They've seen it before. Whether it be on accident in public or from their own families, they all know about us. They try to tell the other humans of us but they just won't believe them saying things like, "It's too good to be true," or, "Stop lying to everyone just so you can try to get us to trust you." I've even heard people say, "There's no such things in our world because if there were, all us 'humans' would be dead by now." The things I've heard are crazy.

My point of saying that the government of all things knows about us is because if any of us were to be caught, we'd be arrested for being born with different traits than a normal human and for being a danger to the world. We could even be killed if they felt the need.

So this is the story of how me and my little group of friends all put a stop to that thinking. Made everyone believe that we're real. That, yes we have the power to turn them into beings like us, but we won't do it out of wanting to have some fun or be mean. We do it if our loved ones want to be like us and are willing to take on whatever comes with being one of us, or we get annoyed with someone begging us way too much about turning them because they really want to be turned. That we're people just like them, only we have these gifts, curses, whatever you want to call them. And most importantly, we aren't vile killing machines that everyone has to fear because they think that we'll kill them all one day. This is our story. And I'm going to share it with all of you.

   A/N{So what'd ya think of the of the intro? Bad, right? Even so, I'm still gonna continue this because why not. I mean, I already started it. If anyone can find any mistake that I missed or any tips that you could possibly give me, even if you're just talking bad about it, i don't care. I Appreciate anything. Even negativity. This is my first story that I'm making completely on my own with the exceptions of characters that my friends give me names for but that's it. I have no promises that this will get better but oh well. I hope you have a nice rest of your night/day!    <3 Ashy}

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