Chapter 4

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After about an hour of me just sitting with my knees tucked up, my arms behind me because of the cuffs, and my head against the wall in the corner, the cell door finally opened.

      Now, I never actually looked at the guy that was at the front desk. I just heard him and saw him move and whatnot. Now that he was right there, I could get a good look at him. And now that I could, I knew who he was. His name's Adrian Jace. Everyone calls him Aj because of his enitials. He's in the same grade as me and is on the soccer team. I have no clue what position, so don't ask. All I know is that he isn't the captain. That's David Carter.

      Aj's about 5'7" and fifteen. He has black hair that always has a messy look to it , decent tan, and dark brown eyes that look black if there's little light around. He usually wears a T-shirt with an open sweater along with a dog-tag necklace.

"Hey," he says while walking towards me, dangling a few keys.

"Hi?" I answer back in a questioning tone.

"Your mom came with the paperwork," I stand up and he motions for me to turn around. I do and he starts unlocking the cuffs, "So that means you're free to go now," I turn back around and face him once he's done.

He continues on, "It took a while for Butch to finally believe that you're a human. Nice hiding it by the way," he smiles after saying that after seeing the look on my face.

"Hiding what?" I ask him to see if he was jus taking a random guess.

"The fact that you're a werewolf and not a human," he says in a matter-of-factly tone.

I didn't understand how he knew and I'm assuming I looked like a deer in headlights because he started to laugh a little. "It's fine, I won't tell anyone," he stops laughing but is still smiling. "Do you know the cafe down the street from the school?"

I nod and he starts again.

"Meet me there tomorrow after school and I'll explain everything then. For now, we should get going. Your friends showed up a little after your mom did because they were worried."

As he walks off with me tagging behind I notice something that I didn't before. His scent. I couldn't tell why but it caught my attention now that I wasn't focusing on other things. Like my life at stake. It was nice, don't get me wrong, but it was almost too nice. God, now I sound like a creepy stalker. Great.

When we walk in, he goes back to standing behind the counter and watches from there as my mom runs up to me and gives me a huge bear hug.

"I was so worried," she says while pulling away with a slight frown. "Don't let anything stupid like that happen again. They almost didn't believe me! I could've lost you if they didn't. You know that."

Eva walks over and says, "C'mon guys, let's just go home. I'm tired."

"When are you not?" I snicker and she flicks my nose.

"Ha ha, very funny," she says with a sarcastic tone while smiling.

She starts walking off to the door and the others follow behind.

I'm that last one to the door. I look back and see Aj give a small wave to me. I lift my hand up and move it one way slightly, giving a very tiny wave back and turn around to keep walking.

We all got in the car. We only fit because Eva decided that she wanted to sit on Xander's lap again.

        I sat in the front with my mom, Dara and Calix behind me in the middle and right side, and Xander and Eva on the left side.

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