Another A/N (sorry)

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Hey, so this is just going to be about my updating schedule because I'm changing it..............I'm not gonna have one. This also means that I won't be posting tomorrow. I feel like it'll be a lot easier because of having school, just hanging out with whoever I am whether it be a friend or family, or just when I'm not exactly feeling motivated to write anything for this story. I honestly forget that I even have this story until every Friday comes around and I then have to try and rush a chapter because I haven't thought about what the chapter will be about, meaning they're would be a lot more filler chapters. Slightly building up still, yes, but it'd still be a lot of fillers. I'm also just not really getting a lot of people who want to read it, and to those of you that are, thank you. I was shocked at how many reads this got, but because it's all added up, I see that most people don't read after the intro. So I'm also going to eventually, probably soon, redo the intro. It'll most likely be from Hiding in Plain Sight because I feel like that one was just slightly better. I don't know. If you want me to leave the intro as is (if you even care) let me know. But I doubt anyone will ask me to leave it as it is. I don't even think anyone will read this author note either. I just think that not sticking to a schedule will just be easier on me. Sorry to those of you that actually read it and somehow enjoy it, but chapters might take a long time to come out now that I'm doing this. That's all. Sorry to bore whovever read this. Bye.

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