Chapter 1

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Our story started all because of some stupid law that the U.S. decided to pass stating that if anyone was to spot a hybrid of any kind, to immediately turn them in. If you were of some position of government then you were to kill on sight or bring them in. Since hybrids aren't considered humane, we don't have any rights. Which means we can't hold a court case against whoever brought us in to try not to go to jail. Even if they did allow us to hold court cases, they'd probably find some way to make us seem guilty.

Well, now that that's out of the way, let's start the story.

Me and my friends all live in the same apartment building here in New York. No, we don't live in the city. None of us can stand that. There's way too many noises there. Especially with my ears. Like I said, sometimes having these special traits can be a curse. We live on Long Island.

Today's a Monday, great, just what I needed. School. Now, it's not that I don't like school, I do. It's just the fact that I have to hide my ears and tail all the time and, while doing that is easy, it's not exactly comfortable. I don't have to wear hoods or hats or anything like that to hide them, it's basically just putting them away. But because they're movable, I need to stretch them every now and then and I can't do that in school without hoping that I can get away with it in the bathroom with no one there.

I get up around four or five every morning since school starts at about 7:30. It gives me time to just sit around and do whatever until I have to leave.

Unfortunately I was just woken up a couple minutes ago due to my alarm yelling at me again. Stupid, strong hearing. I've just been sitting in bed, staring at my ceiling because I really don't want to get up. But eventually I roll, and yes I mean literally roll, off my bed, head to the bathroom, and do my morning routine. It's pretty self-explanatory.

Once I'm done I plop myself back on my bed and grab my phone, checking to see if the others texted me at all yet. We have a group chat that we all text in because we have pretty much nothing to hide. Unless it's something that not all of us want to hear about. Huh, 14 missed messages. Oh boy, let's see what they're talking about this morning.

Eva: Heeeey guys

Eva: Who's ready for school

Xan: Nope

Xan: Never

Xan: Leave me alone to sleep all day

Cal: Aw, c'mon Xan, don't be like that

Cal: It isn't THAT bad

Xan: yes

Xan: yes it is, Cal

Xan: Dara back me up here

Dara: nah, I'd rather sit and see where this is going

Eva: Sorry Xan, but I'm with Dara on this



Ok children, here I come. I've got a little trick up my sleeve to make them stop. It's very simple, but effective.

Ash: Welp, I guess while you children are bickering, I'LL just be over here eating some of my mom's homemade pancakes without you

Ash: I WAS gonna invite you guys but you seem pretty occupied so I'll leave y'all to do whatever it is that you're doing

Now that should get them to shut up. I don't even look at what they text me, and just throw my phone on my bed and make my way to the kitchen where my mom's making a bunch of chocolate-chip pancakes. I don't mean to brag but, she makes the best pancakes of all time. The others can vouch for me.

Speaking of the others, give them a few minutes and they'll be at the door waiting for me to let them in to get some pancakes.

"Hey mom," I say as I walk in.

"Hi Ash. They're almost all done," she says pointing to the pancakes in the griddle, "I'm assuming the others will be here in a few?"

"You know them. Of course they are. Even if I hadn't told them about the pancakes, you know they would've come running in once they smelt them."

"Yeah, I know."

I sit down at the table and ask my mom, "So, have they gotten any further with the investigation?"

She sighed and shook her head while resting both hands on the counter, "I'm going to be honest with you, I have a strong feeling they've given up on the case."

I look down at my hands as she continues on.

"It's been how many years now? Seven years. Yet somehow instead of closing the case, it's almost as if every time I bring it up they just start from the beginning again."

I look up at her and she just shook her head for a second time and continued flipping pancakes.

After that, I simply sighed and said, "It's so stupid that this is how it works. They should've just closed it a long time ago."

My mom nodded along, agreeing with what I had said. She then placed the last two pancakes on the plate next to her. She then grabbed it, perked up, and brought it to the table.

"Well with that being said, let's just put it all behind us for now," her smile didn't seem cheerful at all, but she was trying. And I know she knew we both needed that.

Not even a minute later, as if they were waiting for us to finish talking, the others knocked on the door saying to open up because they wanted pancakes.

"Go let them in so they can calm down," my mom said after letting out a small laugh. "And try not to feel anything bad about what's going on with your dad, alright. This is just how he is. There's no changing him. Now, go let them in and tell them to quiet down," she said while putting the last two pancakes on the stack.

"You got it mom. And don't worry. I wouldn't have felt bad about it either way. I just wanted to know what you thought about it all."

"Good, now you better let those crazies in before they break my door down," she says with a grin.

"Right away ma'am," I say with a grin of my own and a mock salute.

She laughs lightly and goes back to where she was making the pancakes to clean it all up.

I make my way over to the door and open it to be met with my four annoying, but great, friends. Eva, Xander, Dara, and Calix.

They all push past me and run straight to the kitchen where the pancakes are, muttering about what a meanie I am, all while smiling like the crazy dorks we all are.

Maybe this week could be my week for once.

If only life was that simple.

A/N{ OK, That took me quite a bit to write, BUT I did get it done so, whatever. I'm not sure how well I did but I hope that this was at least a LITTLE bit of an improvement from the intro. Well, I'm pretty tired right now so I think I'll go take a little cat nap. No clue when the next chapter will be out but oh well. C'ya then.}

Word count: 1,251

{A/N fRoM tHe FuTuRe} The word count is no longer acurate because I added some things so don't trust the word count anymore. I didn't feel like counting all the words even if it is a short amount that I added.

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