Chapter 8

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   When I got to our table, I didn't even get to sit down before the others all looked at me. Eva was the first one to speak up.

   "Sooo, where were you at and what were you doing?"

   I didn't know she was asking me. I mean, I told them all what I was doing today and why I would be late. She knows very well what I was doing.

   "Well, considering the fact that I already told you what I was doing," I start off, "I'll only tell you that where I was is none of your concern."

   Dara decides to ask, "And who were you with?"

   Of course he had to ask me that. Great. Now I have to tell them and deal with Eva annoying me even more about it.

   "I was just talking to Aj for a few minutes," I say. Before anyone can talk again, I add, "Oh, and speaking of Aj, he wanted to know if we'd hang out with him and his friend while they're here."

   Eva starts to giggle, thinking whatever she was thinking. Because of this, Xander starts talking since Eva clearly can't for whatever her reason is.

   "Sure, why not."

   Eva gets over herself and asks while still having a wide smile on her face, "What's his friend's name?"

   "Blyke, apparently. I don't know why, but it sounds familiar for some reason."

   Calix finally joins in on the conversation and adds, "It does."

   If you couldn't tell, Calix is kind of a quiet person. He does talk a lot at times. He's confusing about it. I don't know.

   I just nod slightly and I turn my head around to try and see if I can find where Aj is, trying to find this 'Blyke' person.

   I easily find Aj. I also see the guy from the lunch table sitting at the same table as him. I'm assuming he's Blyke. Lucky me. Not only is he just there, but while Aj's talking to him about whatever he's talking about, Blyke is just staring me down. Well this is uncomfortable.

   I turn my head back to the others and I think that they can see the uneasiness on my face because they give me a questioning look, seeming like they want me to explain. So I do.

   "Ok, so apparently this Blyke person is that one guy from the lunch table."

   "Oh well. Let's go," is all that Eva says before putting her hands on the table, abruptly standing up and walking over to the table that Aj and Blyke are sitting at.

   I give everyone worried look ans they all give me their own back. We all stand up and make our way over to the table that Aj, Blyke, and a now overly excited Eva were at. Eva still had that huge grin on her face, talking about god knows what with Blyke. Of course he doesn't care about forcing Eva to tell him what her 'motive' is, yet he interrogates me like he's got nothing better to do. It's just not fair.

   Everyone else sits down before me because I'm just standing there, looking like the idiot I am, because I don't know who's ok with me sitting next to them right now. I don't know why, but I always feel like I need permission to do the simplest things. For example, sit down next to certain people. Usually when people feel like this, it's because they don't know the people that they'll be sitting with. It's like that for me too, but just add my friends to that as well. But while I was standing there and waiting for the others to sit down first, Aj stands up and makes it so that Dara can have a spot next to Calix. Him doing this leaves only two seats left obviously. There's two seats between Blyke and Dara. Aj sits next to Dara, leaving me to sit next to Blyke. Aj wants me to suffer. Doesn't he? Thanks a lot Aj.

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